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Cray's P.O.V
"Ok here's the plan. We dress up in solid color jumpsuits and balloons of the same colors." I say with a smile
"Ok?" They all say confused
"We are armed with nerf guns that have toothpicks on the ends to pop the balloons. We will have teams of two. Who ever loses their balloons last wins. Elliot you pick teams!" I say
"Ok. Me and Den, Marcus and Kath, Bazz and Cray, and Lannan your on your own!" Elliot calls
We all run to our rooms to change into the suits Tanner sneakly put in our rooms. I'm blue, kath's pink, Marcus is black, Bazz is orange, Lannan is green, Elliot is yellow, and Den is rainbow. (I don't remember the exact colors so role with it) we all come out of our rooms and check out the competition.
"Wow Den your suit is so pretty!" Kath says
"So is yours Kath." Den says
We all grab go pros and our nurf guns and find vantage points.
"3 2 1 START!" We hear Grace yell we start shooting when I feel a dart poke my back "Den!" I yell
"Oops." She yell dragging out the s
"Oh I'm gonna get you!" I yell popping one of her balloons
"Agh!" She screams
She runs away and I turn a corner and see Lannan and Elliot in a fight
"Yeet!" Lannan yells throwing his gun
"Ow!" Elliot yells getting hit in the face
Elliot shoots at Lannan and gets a balloon. I take my chance and shoot his second balloon down
"Ha!" I yell as Elliot pops my second balloon.
I hear Kath and Den yell and a lot of popping

Dens P.O.V
I turn a corner and run into Kath three of our four balloons pop.
"Holy ship!" I yell
"How did we pop three of our four balloons!
"Idk!" I say popping Kats last balloon
"Hey!" She yell popping my last balloon
"Well now we're both out!" We yell in unison
We sit out and watch the rest of the game. Elliot and I ended up second Bazz and Cray came first. We film the outro and all sit on the couch exhausted.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I suggest
"Sure." Cray says
"Which one?" I ask
"Why not the Purge?" Marcus suggests
"Oh sure." I say hesitently
I start up the movie and slowly snuggle up closer to Elliot
"Hey are you ok?" He asks
"Yeah just not a horror movie buff." I says jumping at a jump scare
He wraps he's arm around me pulling me tighter. I start to dose off untill sleep ingulfs my body.

Kath's P.O.V
I look over to see Den asleep snuggled up to Elliot
"Aww." I say quietly
"Yeah they are cute aren't they?" Marcus says into my ear
"Yeah." I say snuggling closer into him cause in also not a horror movie buff
"The movie ends and we all decide on The Little Mermaid to end off the night so Den and I don't have nightmares. I look over to Den and Elliot and see then enjoying the movie.
"I'm tired, I dunno about you guys but I'mma go to sleep." I announce
"Night babe." I hear Marcus say
I walk off to my room and just flop on my bed and dose off.

Elliot's P.O.V

I see it's eleven and decide to put Den to bed
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" She asks tired "So I have someone with me just incase I have nightmares?"
"Sure thing D." I say
"Thank you." She says
I pick her up bridal style.
"We're off to bed to see you in the morning guys." I say
I open my door and lay Den on my bed and put the covers over her.
I put on some pajama pants and take off my shirt and get into bed. I start to fall asleep when I feel Den next to me. I put my arm around her and kiss her on the forehead
"Night D." I whisper
I dose off thinking on what an awesome day we had.

Hey guys I know they are sooooo cute just had to make light fluff about them. And yes a longer chapter. Next chapter should be out by Tuesday cause I really only update my story's at night from 10:00 to 11:30 so that's when you should expect story updates. Stay optimistic and night peeps 😄

Also next chapter is courtesy of Cookie4206. Thanks for the support. And request. You are the true MVP

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