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I wake up to the sun glaring in my eyes. I sit up tired, Eli's still asleep.
"Why must you be so cute." I pout
I get up and walk to the kitchen to get some coffee to get me going.
Bzzzz. Bzzzz.
"Hello?" I ask groggy
"Is this Jorden Rogers?" A voice asks
"Ahem. Yes this is." I say trying to sound like I've been up
"Well I regret to inform you that your brother has passed." The voice says
I stand frozen not moving from shock.
"Miss Rogers?" The voice calls
"Yes?" I ask
"I'm sorry." Is all she's says before she hangs up
I just stand there just staring into space not knowing what to do. After a couple seconds I loose it, I start crying my guts out. I cry untill I want to grow up. I slump down on the floor with my knees to my chest and cry. Kath eventually walks out after hearing me crying.
"Denny whats wrong!" She says super worried
I try saying something but no words form. All that comes out are whimpers.
She just sits there next to me hugging me trying to comfort me.
"I heard crying what going on?" Eli calls walking into the kitchen "oh D what happened? Are you alright?"
"I-its my, my brother." I say still sobbing
Eli hugs me then gets up to grab something. He comes back with... Note.
"I met up with him earlier this month and he gave me this." He says handing me the note
It reads

Dear, Den

I haven't told the truth for the past year. I wasn't off in the army. I was actually in the hospital fighting off cancer I just never wanted to tell you. I wanted you to be happy and not be worrying about me. So if your reading this the cancer won. But I just wanted to say keep being you. Keep being so loving to everyone you meet. Keep being such a good artist. Keep being Eli's other half. Keep being a social butterfly. Keep being a creative girl. And most importantly keep being my favorite sister. I love you forever and ever. You can get through this. I'll be right by your side. Don't stop being who I know you as.
I love you Den.

That last line hit me like a truck. That was the last time he will ever say that to me for the rest of my life. I reread the letter over and over untill it's ingrained in my head. I stop crying and head to put the letter back in my room next to a picture of him and I at Disneyland.


"Can we get a picture?" I ask
"Why? So you can put on Instagram?" He mocks
"Oh my God no! I just want a picture ya dork!" I exclaim
"Whatever Denzo." He says
I hand him my phone and he takes a selfie of us in front of the castle.


I walk back out and Eli hugs me and kisses my forehead.
"I love you to the ends of the Earth." He whispers
"I love you to the ends of the universe." I reply
We sit down on the couch and watch sappy romance movies for basically the rest of the day.

Hey guys and gals it's been...awhile. I KNOW I KNOW! it's been forever. I'm sorry I just haven't had the motivation to write and school is piling on the homework reasently so I've been super tired after school but I post a new chapter hopefully soon. Stay optimistic and night peeps!💙

Also thank you SO MUCH for over 700 reads I would have never thought that would happen it makes me so happy to see people liking the story and supporting it. I wouldn't be here without you - Fluffy

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