Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant part 1

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I just sat there, staring out the window of the train as district 6 disappeared into the distance. Peeta and I were on the victory tour. Right now he came up behinde me. "it's ok Katniss. It will be alright!" that was when I noticed that I was crying. These victory tour was hard. Standing on the stage in front of the other tributes families. They looked me with such hatred! I couldn't take it if district 5 did the same. But Peeta killed Foxface personally. By nightlock berries. Her family was sure to be like ghosts of her. I know it was with Rue, Thresh and the girl from 9 name Bay. Peeta grabed my arm leading use towards the bedrooms. "Peeta, can you stay with me tonight?" I asked. He looked and me and smiled. "always." he said. I pulled him into my room and he kissed me softly......


I didn't know I was pregnant right away. My mother passes it off as a flu bug. Soon Prim and my mother had to call in a doctor. He ran some tests and said I was pregnant. How is that possible? I thought. How did this happen? Well I know how it happend I just was to shocked. I've only ever did that once and it was with Peeta. He was the father of my 4 week old unborn baby. "we can't tell him! He will hate me forever!" I shouted. My poor baby. My mother told me "if he is the father, you have to tell him at some point!" I knew she was right. But I was scared! What was he going to say to me? What if he blamed me for this!? He was the one who got me pregnant in the first place! I did tell Gale and Haymitch though. And Effie of course! It got down to only Peeta not knowing.


One day, as I walked towards the square, Peeta came up to me. By then I was 4 months pregnant. "hey Katniss. I need to talk to you. Something important." he said. I followed him to the Seam by my old house. Then he turned around to face me. "I've heared some things and I want to know something. Is it true that your pregnant with my child?" I rest my hands on my stomach for the first time since Peeta was around. He sated at my stomach in amazment. I nodded. "why didn't you tell me? I can't believe you would keep this from me!" he shouted. I began to cry. "I'm so sorry Peeta! I was scared! I didn't want you to hate me!" he kicked at a clump of snow on the ground. "well you should be! Everyone else knows!" he shouted again. I cried harder. "I'm sorry!" I said again. Peeta glared. "you can't expect me to be happy after this! After that night on the train I though you were different!" now I glared. "so it's MY fault I'm pregnant? It was you who did this!" Peeta looked at my stomach again almost longingly but then shook it off and walked away leaving me standing there.


Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant part 1Where stories live. Discover now