Another story about what would happen if Katniss were pregnant part 40

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It soon came the time for me to leave. Paris was about five months old by then. It gave me great pain to leave her. Who knew if I would return? I would fight to the bitter end. For Peeta. For my children. I had to report to the hovercraft for ten o'clock. I got up and so did Peeta. He got the kids ready and I mostly payed attention to Paris. She WAS the youngest. I dressed and fed her. She just blinked those little blue eyes at me. So peaceful, so innocent. So unaware of the things around her. It broke my heart into a million tiny shards of glass. It felt like the shards were falling and hitting my lungs, making it harder than normal to breath. I realized I was scared. So scared. But I thought of the possible futer ahead for us. Yes, I could do this! ''Ok, Katniss. The kids are all dressed and fed and its almost 9:30. We should go now.'' His heart was breaking, too. I could feel it. I sighed. ''Ok, Peeta. Lets go.'' I felt the terror again as we walked. We didnt need to walk much longer. Just ten minuets. Sage and Cinna and Trojan kept up the tears. I had to hide my emotions. I stepped onto the hovercraft. I kissed the kids. ''Goodbye, Peeta. I love you.'' I said. he began to let tears fall. ''I love you too. I always have.'' He says back. Thats the last thing I hear before the hovercraft door closes.


After about four hours of sleeping, I was shook awake. ''Katniss, we're here.'' says Haymitch. he was joining us? This only made me feel worse. In fact, I was feling kind of dizzy and sick. I ran to the bathroom and was sick. Haymitch was right behind me the whole way. He held my hair up while I vomited. ''Katniss? Will you be alright?'' He asked. I nodded. ''Im fine! Lets finish this!'' I say, fummbleing for the door. Yes, I was going to fight. I walked off the hovercraft with the others and and ran into the preidents mansion. We all held guns, well, except me. I had a bow and a sheth of arrows. I was more than ready. ''Lets go!'' Gale shouts. We all ready our wepons. We round a corner and there, sitting on a leather sofa, sits Tax. He isnt alone. A woman with a blue wig and a matching pantsuite is sitting next to him. Her belly is swollen. Yes, she seems to be about eight months along. I had looked much the same around then. It reminded me of my own children. Ow! Theres that pain in my chest again. Back to the woman. She was cooing into his ear. Odd, I think to myself. She looks like someone I know. Then when she turns to face us, she gasps. Yes, it was someone I hadnt seen in so long! I couldnt believe she would betray us! That woman was none other than Effie Trinket herself.

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