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markus had grown worried about simon. with all the self deprecation, the attempted sacrifice,  the constant injury- he couldn't keep up with the blond.

"markus! simon's asleep- anything you want me to do with him?"

"no- no, let him be. he needs to relax before his system is fried." markus told the jerry calmly, "he needs to calm down."

the jerry nodded before jogging off to another group.
markus wondered if he could join simon- he was stressed to the nines and couldn't think properly anymore.
oh well.
he doesn't have time for resting.

he has to beat connor.

markus had started pacing the floor, his hands in his pockets. any minute now north and josh would give him the okay and he would have to give the deviants a speech. he didn't want to go genocidal, but if connor kept it up...

no. he can't think like that. he has to stay calm and think clearly. he's made it this far.

"mmf- markus—?"

the android turned and saw simon standing behind him, still turning back on.

"is everything okay, simon?" markus gently scanned the blond in front of him.

"...yeah. yeah- i'm okay. i were pacing and looked stressed." simon reassured him, "don't...don't forget the speech."

markus sighed. even simon was counting on him.

"i'll be right here."


"i can't promise i'll be here much longer, but i'll stand by you so you know how important our cause is to me."

"simon what the hell—"

"i'm dying, markus. my system is fried and my thirium is low."

markus shook his head and rubbed his face, "go sit down. i don't have time for this."

"m-markus—" simon began.

"i said go sit, simon."

the blond obeyed and left the leader alone on the stage, sitting on some nearby crates. as markus took a few deep breaths, he dusted off his clothes and cleared his throat, beginning his speech.

he had to convince them violence wasn't the answer- even now.

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