#3 The Disney Movie You Guys Watch Together:

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Hello Everyone! 💗 I'm really sorry I haven't updated at all in two weeks. :( School and finals have had me really busy lately, but I'm off of school this week so I'll be updating two times per week! I'm really sorry once again! - Steph

Paul: You both choose to watch The Little Mermaid since it's one of your favorite Disney movies and Paul also reminds you of prince Eric with his charming smile and personality. 🤴🏻


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John: Cinderella is your guy's choice because you both just really love the story line and in a way Cinderella's and the Prince's struggles of meeting each other relate to the first time that you and John met. When he first met you at a nearby park, he instantly fell in love with you, but couldn't get a hold of you. You both end up running into each other at that same park since you both would visit often to take a stroll, and he ended up asking you on a first date there. 💗


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George: Snow White is the movie you guys choose to watch. You both simply adore this movie since in a way a gives a message about love at first sight due to Snow White being kissed by the prince, and her falling instantly in love with him. This happened when you guys met, you instantly fell in love when George made conversation with you. There was just something about him that you found so charming.


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Ringo: The movie of your guy's choice was Sleeping Beauty. Ringo is always referencing this movie to the time that you both met, because ever since he laid eyes on you he just knew that you had to be his and fell in love with you right then and there.  Little did he know that you felt the same. 💗


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I'm so sorry for the short chapter! This wasn't my best update, but I assure you all that my next update for this book will be much better! I hope you all have a great day/night. 💗 - Steph

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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