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Breathing... You forget how important it is after a while. Breath after breath it continues until your last. But even when it was my last I'm breathing again. It's complicated. Like a constant burning...I sit up- I feel weak, as if I can barely use my body to walk. It's been a while since I last sent a letter to Tobias.

He is my motivation to get up.

He is my motivation to move and get to him.

He is my motivation to get strong...and save the world.

Once again I'm in this fearful world, but I will conquer my fears. I will never be fearless but for now I must, to save everyone. Breathe. I need to breathe. Take is slow.

I stand, though it's hard I walk out of the mysterious compound, I'm assuming it's somewhere in the factions.

I move I leave the compound. Where am I? I walk...and walk. I walk for what seems like hours. My throat is dry now. I feel as if I'm about to pass out but I don't, I keep walking until I see a familiar face outside a small compartment that used to be an abnegation home. So I am in abnegation. I walk and that face is Caleb.

"Caleb.." I croak out. He doesn't hear me. "Caleb!" I say a little louder yet it sounds pathetic. "Help..." I call out. He turns his head and he runs to me.

"Oh god you're real! You're alive! You did it! It worked!!" He sounds like a giddy girl.

"I couldn't do it without you." I reply, I need water. He takes me inside the small abnegation home, looks just like the day I left to go to Dauntless, maybe not the outside, but the inside is the exact same.

"You can't let anyone know you're alive" Caleb says after we're inside.

"Why? I plan to see Christina..and Tobias." I plead and sip some water he has given to me.

"No you can't."

"Yes I can Caleb! I need to see them!"

He gets a puzzled look as if he is thinking the possible ideas what would possibly go wrong.

"Don't give me that look they need to know I need to save everyone!" I protest.

He looks at me he shakes his head and I stand "then I'm leaving." I start to walk out and he grabs my wrist. "Let go of me." I say in a dark tone. I yank at my arm slightly and he doesn't let go. "I swear to God Caleb" He keeps still, and silent. I keep my back turned and I then grab his wrist and twist it, he then let's me go after I forced him and I push him away. "I'm going to see Tobias."

He stands up and tries running to the door but I beat him to it and sprint. I sprint far until I run into a small black figure and I see it's Christina.

"Watch it!" She says in a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry Christina.." She looks up at the sound of my voice.

"Tris?" She smiles "Oh my God Tris you're alive!" She hugs me tight and I hug her back.

"I missed you Chris." She smiles I can tell she's crying.

"I missed you too." She replied. I look at her. "Can I stay with you tonight?" I ask, what if Tobias doesn't think it's me... And that scares me.

"Of course!!" She replies.

"But Christina? Is is okay.. If.. Uh." I don't want to be rude to my best friend. To ditch her for Tobias.

"Of course go see Tobias I'm sure he would be happy to see you." I smile and hug her again. I think, no one can know I'm alive but a few. A few I trust. But who do I trust? I sigh softly.

"Let's get out of here okay?" I say and she leads me to Tobias' house. I knock on the door, and wait.

Letter From Above (Allegiant spoilers)Where stories live. Discover now