The Hunter

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The sun was setting on a particularly creepy feeling field. The crops had long since been destroyed and matted down. Lance and Keith stood in the middle of it, looking for something.

"Are you sure it's here?" Lance asked, turning to look at his partner, "We've been here for ten minutes already."

"Yes, Lance." Keith grumbled, not even turning from his search.

"I swear I felt something go the other way."

"Lance!" Keith snapped, finally turning to face him, "You're not magical! You can't feel anything!"

The brunette huffed and crossed his arms. Keith never believed him, though this was the first time Lance had tried to tell him something like this.

Keith could see things normal humans couldn't. Monsters. Specifically ghouls, ghosts, and demons. The mullet head took it upon himself to go around and push these creatures back through their dimensional rifts.

Lance was a normal human. He couldn't see anything unusual. He only tagged along on Keith's escapades because he'd be damned if he'd let Keith die. But something had changed over the year of monster hunting.

Lance felt a tug on his mind, something telling him there was something somewhere else. He didn't know what this meant, but nothing was happening in this boring old field.

Lance turned to look in the direction he felt the tug and saw a large ploom of dark smoke rising into the sky.

"Uh, Keith?"

"What now?" Came Keith's irritated reply.

"Look." Lance pointed.

Keith turned, ready to tell him off again, but stopped. He watched the smoke for a few moments before looking at Lance.

Lance was watching the smoke too, "There's something there."

"Let's go." Keith grunted and started running for his motorcycle.

Lance followed swiftly, his long legs helping a lot. They climbed onto the bike and Keith took off, speeding down the vacant highway.

The fire was engulfing an old barn. The flames flicked against the twilight above. Darkness was settling on the land, but the fire was bright enough to see.

Against the flames was a dark silhouette. It was tall, taller than any human. Long horns protruded from its head, and a sharp pointed tail swung low against the burnt grass.

Keith stopped the bike and grabbed Lance before he could get off the bike. He looked into curious blue eyes and tightened his grip on his shoulders.

"Do not move from the bike." Keith said lowly, eyeing the creature watching the mess it had made, "This demon is more powerful then we've ever encountered."

Lance shuddered, "I know." He breathed. His gut was coiling anxiously, nervousness settling in his chest.

"If I tell you to run, you run. No back talking. You go." Keith continued.


The older held a finger to his lips, "And most importantly," he smiled softly, vulnerable and bare, "Thank you for everything Lance."

Hearing those words gave another twist to Lance's gut. Keith patted his shoulder and got up, unsheathing his sword. Lance jumped forward, wrapping his arms around Keith's middle.

"Don't go!"


"Don't go..."

"I have to."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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