Chapter 13

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"Dad?" I squealed runing and hugging him the minute I walk into my house. "What are you doing here?"

"hi honey" he smiled weakly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nana"

"What? Is she okay? I was just talking to her the other day.

"No honey she's not she had a heart attack and she didn't make it" he said tears gathering in his eyes. I've never seen my dad cry if he starts crying I will I start crying. He pulled me into another hug.


Right now I'm was on the way to Ireland I had just go off the first plane and had another 6 hours on another one. My eyes were red and puffy. I checked m messages and Grace, Sarah and Neasa texted me. I kinda forgot to tell them where I went. I texted them that I was going to Ireland to my nanas funeral.


I arrived at my dad's house which I haven't been to for a long while. My cousin jenny was here and I ran to hug her. "I've missed you so much Jen" I said crying while I was hugging her. "I've missed you too sweetie". Jen was my best friend in the world.


it was late so we watched TV and talked about everything. We fell asleep shortly.


I woke up on the couch confused with my surroundings when my dad walked in I realised I wasn't in Australia I was In Ireland on the other side of the world. "Hi honey how are you feeling?" my dad asked gently sitting beside me and pulling me into a hug. "I'm okay dad" I smiled weakly rubbing tiredly at my eyes. "You should get ready the funeral is in an hour.


The mass was just over and people were coming up to shake my dad's hand and my uncle hand who's my dad's brother. My nana had to sons dad was older they had a very close relationship and that's why I was so close with my cousin Jenny. I sat on the benches behind them cuddling into jenny I didn't want anyone to see me. "Katie" I heard a familiar voice asked. I looked up to see my old neighbour who was my best friend when I lived here. "Joshie?" I said my eyes widening. I haven't seen him in so long after he got a role in the hunger games I lost contact. (yes he is josh hutcherson) I hugged him and he hugged back "I've missed you" I said staring to cry again. "Don't cry please! If you cry I'll cry' he whined spinning me around making me let out a giggle. He could always make me smile in the worst of situations. "I'm so sorry to hear about your nana". He said seriously. "As soon as mum told me I was straight on a plane here I had to see you and say bye to nana".


After the church we went to a hotel. we were in a big room adults on one side of the room while kids and teenagers where on the other side. There was finger food. I was talking to josh about Everything. "I remember this one time your nana was babysitting us and we were outside, it was lashing out of the heavens and we slid around in the muck and grass when we came back inside and we were covered from head to toe in dirt and had to take a bath". he laughed me joining in with him. "Or the time we were up a tree and we jumped from quite far up and you broke you arm" I said laughing again. Just then my dad and uncle went up on the stage. "Hello guys, thank you for coming me and my brother have a few words to say".


After dad and uncles speech everyone was crying with laughter at the jokes he told. Nana would of wanted it to be this way. Music stsrted playing and an old song of hers came on, one she would play while me and josh were in the sitting room playing with play dough and we would dance around to it. "My lady wou you have this dance with me?" Bowing and putting out his hand. I giggled feeling a little better we dance for most of the night.

Now your thinking he would be perfect for me right? Well not so much he's like a brother we grew up callin each other's mothers mum and dad's dads my nana loved him like a grandson and he lied her like she was he's grandmother. He also has a beautiful girlfriend named Jennifer Lawrence (yes the one in the hunger games) I freaked out when I found out but thought it was a rumour with them because they worked on set together and stuff but he told me it was true. We went back to dad house and had a movie night we weren't tierd we just wanted to watch old movie like before and that's what we did.


I woke up to a loud buzzing noise I looked at my laptop and saw it was a Skype call. I answerd it thinking it was Grace but who pops up on the screen but Luke. I'm pretty sure I look a mess right now. I smile widely "hi lukey" "hi how are you feeling?" he asks softly. "I'm good" I say back there was awkward silence until I hear in the background.

"LUKE WHAT TE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON MY LAP- oh hi Katie" I giggled Grace being grace. Hi how are you?" "I'm fine" I reply again. Beside me josh was snoring rather loudly. "Who's that she smirks." "No one just an old friend no big deal" I never told them I knew josh hutcherson they were all obsessed with the hunger games. "I'm comin home soon"I smiled widely "I can't wait to see you guys" I said as the others came In to view (ashmikey,Sarah Neasa) "i love you guys" I said they all looked at me weird. "What? You never no when the last time I'm gonna talk to you is" I said seriously.. it happened with my nana I had skyped her a few days before and told her all about cal and stuff (leaving out the inappropriate stuff) I told her I loved her and I was happy that was my last worlds and her last words we I love you.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a girly squeal I looked at the laptop confused the guys jaws were dropped who other than josh hutcherson in the screen neext to me. "KATIE PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY FUCKING JOSH HUTCHER IS SITTING NEXT TO YOU! "Sarah screamed at me. Oh shit. I looked at josh. "Okay don't freak out but, he's my best friend when I lived in Ireland" I said "josh this is Sarah, Grace, Luke Ashton,Michael and Neasa guys as you already no this is josh" I said pointing at each person.

"I LOVE YOU" Neasa shouted and blushed as she blurted that out and mikey said "hey!" Wnice to meet you guys but I've got to go get a shower" he waved at the camera and turned it back to me well I'm hungry so I should go now" I'm about to say bye but I am cut off by a voice. "Who are you's talking to cal" asked walking into the view of the camera. "I've got to go guys talk to you's later" I said before cal could even get a word in. I know I shouldn't ignore him but for me to get over him I need to not see him for awhile.


Okay another chapter sorry it's so shitty oh and thanks so much for all the votes comments and reads, - Katie xxx

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