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Still reeling from what had just transpired between her and Dennis as well as the plethora of petals following, Tobi stumbles into the building and makes a beeline for a thankfully unlocked empty classroom. Collapsing into a chair in front of a small table in the dark room, she stares blankly at the ceiling, an empty feeling resonating in her. Not only had she just lost her best friend, but also her first love. 

As she thought this, a new set of tears begins streaming from her eyes. The bell signaling the end of lunch sounded, but she doesn't even make an effort to move from her seat. Pulling out her phone, she dialed the only other person she could think to talk to. It went straight to voicemail. --please leave a message after the tone. A long beep comes from the phone and she remains silent. 

Then, without reason, she laughs. She couldn't stop. By now her stomach hurt so hard that she clutched at it. Gradually, over the course of roughly a minute, her laughs turn to sobs. "Shit, this really does suck, Ashton." Tobi sobbed, now with her face in her open palm. "Nothing is going how it should." Her sobs begin to transition back into laughter and she hangs up. Folding her arms on the table, she laid her head on them and muttered, "God, I hate this..."


Now at home and comfortable on her couch, Tobi stares at the ceiling of the living room. From the kitchen, she hears the familiar buzz of her phone on the counter, but she can't find the energy to get up and get it. For a moment, it stops. Then it almost immediately starts up again.

Releasing a loud groan, Tobi sinks further into the couch and covers her head with her blanket. Finally, after the fifth time it begins buzzing, Tobi kicks off the blanket childishly and trudges into the kitchen. As soon as she puts the phone to her ear, Ashton's voice is already asking questions. "Hey, where are you?" He asks, concern laced in his voice. She hears a car honk from his end as he continues, "And what was with that message earlier? Are you okay?" 

After a long moment of silence where the event from a few hours ago plays in her mind, she whispers in a barely audible voice, "No, I'm not." 

Giving a long sigh, Ashton says, "Okay, tell me where you are and I'll be over in a few minutes." 

Releasing a long sigh and dragging her free hand through her short hair, she admits in a tired voice, "Ashton, I really don't think that that's a good idea right now."

A long silence emits from his end before he finally asks meekly, "Okay, but why?"

Giving another long and tired sigh, Tobi mumbles, "I just need some time to process some things right now. I appreciate that you're worried, but I just... I can't right now, okay?"

Ashton gives a sigh of his own and responds, "Okay, I guess." When he doesn't hang up after a long pause, Tobi assumes he's finished and hangs up the phone. Just as she goes to put it down, it buzzes in her hand again. With a groan, she answers, but before she has the time to say anything, Ashton blurts, "I want you to talk to me about it later." Tobi blinks, surprised. "A-and if you don't want to, then we can just do something fun to help take your mind off it for a while."

A tired smile picks up the corners of her lips and she responds, "Yeah, okay. You know, I'm so glad that I have you, Ashton. I really, really am."

"Yeah, so am I, Tobi." He says quietly, too quiet for her to hear.


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