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Bonjour, friends. I decided to write long chapters with more quotes. What do u think abt that?

Hurt me
with the
But never
Confront me with a


True love hurts
True love faces a lot of hardness
At the end...
Nothing is better than that.


Haters are gonna hate
Lovers are gonna love
No matter what
It's my life
Not yours.


True friends are not like rain
Which comes and go away
Leaving u alone.
True friends are like the
Which is always around u
Sometimes u might not feel it
But it is always there.


Never break a heart
U will have to face it later
With all ur life


True friends stays on wet cement
And then move
Leaving foot prints behind
Just for u.


Cousins by blood
Sisters by heart
Friends by choice


Friends are like a glass
Once it's broken
It can never
Be fixed.


The sun gives
Light to the earth
U r the one
Who gives light to
My life.


Having good friends
Is like
Flying in the sky
With peace.


Hey. How is it this time? Good? Or bad? Do u like the chapters to be long?


Love u all😘💋🧚‍♀️💕💓


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