Chapter 11 - Wedding planning

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Stacey's pov

i wake up and get dressed, i go downstairs to see if nicky was awake, i walk downstairs and see him sat on the couch in front of the tv.

Hey nicky i say

hey stace he says to me.

are you ready to plan some stuff before Tom gets up, we dont want him knowing so when hes awake we will have to go to my house and continue planning says Stacey 

Sure, let me just grab my planning book he says, he walks to the kitchen and grabs his empty planning folder and starts prepping.


nickys pov

we sit on the floor and start talking, so do you know what you want the theme to be she asks me

i want to make it casual as i know that tom doesnt like anything too over the top if you get what i mean i say to her.

she writes everything what i say into my planning book.

right, OK she says what plans have you got for the cake she asks me

i haven't really thought about the cake, well it has to be white because im going for a classical wedding, also it needs to have two flavours in it, strawberry and chocolate as there mine and toms favourite flavours.

she writes it down and just then we hear a voice from behind us.

Whats mine and toms favourite flavours, whats all this ? says tom

suddenly as he spoke stacey closed the folder and whispered in my ear, im off back to my house now, come over when you have come with a good excuse and we will continue she said and left.

would you please kindly tell me what you was planning tom says to me concerned and a little bit curious.

i cant, its a surprise i say

oh, really says tom guilty, i feel bad now because i think i might have ruined it he says to me

no, you havent ruined it, we was only planning, nothings set in stone, not until ive done the last thing, anyway i need to go to staceys to finish planning i say.

wait, shes gone back home, thought she was staying here for a bit longer he said to me

she said that she is grateful for everything you and i have done for her but she wants to go home, i will be back a bit late i say to tom before leaving, but before i could get to the door he grabs my hand and pulls me close.

you do know i love you right he says to me

of course i do i say

please stay safe and ill see you later, love you he says 

i will i promise and i love you to i say back to him and leave.


i arrive at staceys to see her doing research on the cake, she looks up at me.

oh, your finally here so what excuse did you give him she says to me

i didnt i just told him i coudnt tell him what we was doing because it was a surprise i say to her.

so we have done cake and theme so whats next she says to me.

clothes i say to her, so we need black and white suites, white for me and black for tom i say.

ok and what about transport how are people gonna get there she asked me 

well we have toms limo so me and my mom can go in there, tom will have a carage to pick him up and and another limo for the guests i say.

ok she says 

so we have done now, food,transport,theme,clothes, the only things what need doing now is invitations and rings she says to me

well one of them is not a problem i can and want to do the rings because theres a special surprise i want to put on them.

Nicky she says

Yea stacey i say

you do know that your gonna buy 3 rings she says

why i say forgetting something.

nicky, you need to get him a engagement ring, you still need to propose to him she says to me

oh, yeah i forgot.

so where are you going to do it she asked me.

 i want to do it somewhere that really makes it special, i meant do it where we had our first date, not the park but the rushed date should i say.

omg stacey eyes popped open, nicky thats so romantic, didnt he take you on your first rush date to closed of beach she asked me.

yeah he did, he made it all romantic and petals and everything so i want to recreate it and then im gonna get down on one knee.

oh nicky, she said while looking at me cutely, thats really romantic, so where are you going to get his ring from she asked me.

do you know that wedding/ring shop in town called rainbow dreams, ive booked an appointment there i say to her.

oh my god nicky, them rings are really beautiful but also very expensive how are you gonna pay for it she says to me.

i then pull out my laptop and log in to my secret bank and then show her the total of what i had in my bank.

after doing her the total her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

FUCKING HELL she said.

you didnt tell me you a young millionaire nicky she said, does tom kno-

no, and he can never find out, if he find out he would treat me so differently i say

did you at least tell him where you work she asked

no, i told him i worked at a restuarnt after getting fired from pizza shop i say.

FUCKING HELL NICKY, hes gonna find out sooner and later and how is he gonna react when youve hiding a massive secret from him, for fuck sake nicky you work for shockwave and bulldogs enterprises, thats a big fucking deal, there world famous and well obviously good pay, what is he gonna say when you are lying to him nicky says stacey.

ill tell him just not yet, i want to marry him while i have the chance before giving him big news like this, if were married then he wont walk out on me and change his mind i say to her.

ok nicky, im right here beside you she says.

Thank you for understanding and always being here for me when i need you i say.

Always she says smiling at me  

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