Part 4

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The sound of indistinct voices wake me. "Who knows how long they have been there, the last time we sent a crew there to clear the area was over six years ago." I hear a female voice say. "I know, but when we found them they had just been attacked. Candace it is truly amazing they are still alive." another said.

"While you were there did you see any sign of their parents?"who I believe to be Candace asked .

"No" I say as I try to sit up. "They never came home from their trip 6 years ago." The two nurses rush over to me. Panic and shock appear on their face. "Hi, Melanie, I'm Candace and this is Lucas. We work for the Blanca Town Health Unit. You are in safe hands. Can you tell us what happened. As I told them what happened they began to write something on the clipboard. "What are you writing." I asked.

"Just a few notes for our records."

Just then I look around the room and realized Martha was not there. So I asked "Where is my sister?" They just look at me with this concerned I'm sorry look. I felt my heart sink into my stomach. "Look Melanie we did everything we could but her body couldn't fight off the toxins from the Olgoi-Khorkhoi, she didn't make it."

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