charter 37

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             Nick P.O.V

God i miss her so much, i now has a daughter. Nick!! Yes BB , Are you alright, BB said. I'm fine, so what are you going to do now.

I notice she was shocked seeing me the other day, when i went to her house. You know something we should pretend we knew nothing said Nick.

She think i will not recognized her. And BB don't tell aunt, ok. What about your parents and siblings. I will not tell them anything right now.

So what about your wedding with Beth next month. The wedding is canceled BB, No more wedding. I only want my family back.

I will do anything in my power to bring them back. I'm with you bro all the best thanks little cousin. I don't want to rush her.

              Tara P.O.V

Today Grace is been discharge from the hospital, so the doctor gave me her prescription. I finished packing her things when BB entered are you ready to go home she said picking Grace up.

Making Grace giggle, wait BB i have to pay the bills and buy Grace medicine OK . Go on i will wait for you, i went to the pharmacy to buy the medicine.

How much, Madame everything is been paid. what!! i did not pay anything, i know, one Mr Nick Benson pay everything including the hospital bills.

I was shocked, thank you sir i said, i got to the room BB do you know that your cousin pay for Grace medicine and hospital bills.

No! but did he, Yes i nod my head. Really that good she said, but BB No! but do you hear me. I nod my head, and buy the way he is waiting for us at the entrance.

BB was holding Grace, i picked our bags and went out. Nick was waiting for us at the entrance, immediately Grace saw him she started jumping up and down.

She want to get down, B....B down we both laugh at the way she call her name. Oh you want to get down and go to Dada she nod her head.

OK go, she started walking slowly trying to run, she start walking two weeks ago before she fall sick. Her legs are not fixed well on the ground.

Dada! Dada! Everybody at the hospital was amazed the way she was trying to walk and calling out for Nick.

I was surprise at her behavior, Dada!Dada! Nicks back was facing us talking on the phone. Immediately he turned around.

My princess he call out,  Grace giggle almost falling down but Nick was fast to catch her. He picked her up very fast which made Grace started crying.

It OK princess Daddy is here, she buried her head in Nick's neck, Nick rub the back of her head.

It OK, he said to her, they were all clapping at hospital. I wipe the tears from my eyes, are you OK, BB asked. I'm fine, we went to were they were standing.

People pass by smiling at father and daughter. Nice girl you got there thanks he said. Did you miss Dada she nod her head, really Yes! He trickle her making her laugh out loud.

OK let go, we got to the studio. I saw a notice on the front door.

Miss Sara Luke, I'm sorry to informed you that the studio is been bought out so your balance is in your account.

We left your belongs at the next door, what!! what happen Nick asked i show him the notice. I went to the next door for my belongs.

Later i came back with the things. Nick put the bags in the car Booth, what are you doing Nick. You are going to stay with me from now on.

No! Nick, you have done a lot. So what huh! What wrong with you Sara, let him help you. Are we not your friends said BB.

They both went and sat on the car, are you coming. I saw Grace sleeping on BB's lap. I felt a little bit shy, I walk and sat in we drove to Nick's penthouses.
Welcome to my house.

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