S3.12_Meeting the Emperor

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Chapter 12

That night Soo went to the emperor's chamber, on her own will. She thought she had gathered her courage, but when standing at the doorstep to the  royal chamber, her feet seemed as glued to the floor, the before courage fleeting as if not ever been existent,. There was nothing left but take a simple step, yet Soo finds it harder than conquering any mountain.

I better return...

Just as she had decided to leave, the door suddenly opened and Jimong stepped out. His eyes grew in delight seeing the consort standing there alone, with an innocent contemplating expression.

"What is the point of coming but entering," Jimong said.

'Go inside' the man mouthed making a place for Soo to enter.

Less unwillingly she entered the dim litted room, indeed, the emperor was sitting behind the thin layered curtains with papers in his hands and only accompanied by the flickering candlelight. Soo made her steps cautious afraid that she would disturb the emperor, but of course, she knew that he was aware of her presence. She just didn't know he was too busy to even glance up to spare her his few seconds.

"Make your report," the emperor ordered, not looking up from his papers.

"Wha-?" Soo subconsciously responded. She hurriedly covered her mouth with both hands, shocked of the grave mistake she made by answering with such a degree of in respectfulness.

"I still have to get through these papers, in the meantime, you can take the time recalling today's events" The emperor spoke even clearer, maybe he was too absorbed in his work to notice the things around him. Had he just once looked up, he wouldn't have mistaken her for a maid coming to make a report. Soo was still on the other side of the curtains but sure wasn't in the zone of unrecognisable, but she knew better than confront a busy man.

The anxiety made her unable to speak and she decided just to wait for the emperor to finish his load of work before she would reveal herself.

She seated herself at the corner of the room. Times went by as the two was under the same roof. The only sound in the chamber was the scratching of the papers the emperor made when grabbing a new piece and the heavy sighs he made now and then. Maybe he had completely forgotten that she was present.

After what felt like hours Soo glanced across the room to find the emperor with his head above the table. It seemed like he had fallen asleep. Maybe it was a sign for her to come another time, Soo thought. She stretched the numb limbs and turned in the direction of the door but the emperor's sudden voice halted her decision.

"Your majesty?" Soo asked glancing back at the curtains. There was no reply, only silence. Maybe she misheard it?

In her view was the emperor and the mountains of scrolls he still had to get through. Until when could he take the leisure to get in bed when the load of work was a growing as a hungry monster?. For some reason she felt rejection to the idea of leaving, which she convinced herself was sympathy.

Soo tiptoed across the room, grabbed the blanket and pillow and placed it around behind the study table. She carefully assisted the emperor to lay down on the madras without making the unnecessary of waking him. His body found a more comfortable position of its own and for minutes she could simply stare at him, the reason unknown.

Her hand stretched for the mask, subconsciously she was about to remove it from his face, seeing how uncomfortable it looked. But in time her sanity kicked in and she knew better than act reckless.

Don't Hae Soo. His comfort would be on the expense of your head. Her hand retreated but halted when a sudden hand awakens and grabbed her wrist.

Soo's eyes widened, shocked when her view was in term of the Emperor's narrowed glare. Absorbed in her thoughts, she had no idea that the emperor has woken from his slumber. Her heart skipped a beat while her breath paused for couple seconds as the two exchanged eye contact.

"Your majesty," Soo stammered.

"You dare enter without my permission?" His tone harsh and cold.

"It's my duty to check up on his majesty's health," Soo said, her tone rushed and shaken.

"Wasn't your tears evidence for the abandon of that duty? How dare you come here and mock me!?!"

"Your majesty-"the emperor's enraged made her unable to process. His furious image reminded her of that of their wedding night, making her recall the images she wished to erase. The feelings of anxiety settled and she felt timid to meet his eyes. Yet she found herself lost in the conflict.

She couldn't help but seek comfort in the resembling features and gestures of a certain person to only met with disappointment and reject. Even now was it hard to look at the emperor's eyes, without seeing another person in him.

"Your majesty, Empress dowager seeks your audience." A nasal voice interrupted from the outside.

"Tell her to leave!"

The emperor's sentence left Soo dumbfounded. She never imagined that Wang So, would turn down the suggest of his own mother. The woman he had done so much to please, yet right no she seemed to held no position in his eyes. His gaze was different from what her memories served. Soo could only spot emptiness in the man's eyes. As if had lost all gravity holding him dear.

"Your majesty this isn't right, you shouldn't reject the dowager," Soo said, her tone low and timid.

"You are what to tell me what to do?"

How dearly he loved his mother, how much the Wang So in the past graved for a second of his mother's eyes. She knew it very well.

"This isn't what you want."

"Then what do I want?" The emperor sneered cynically.

"I don't know, but for sure your majesty will regret if you let your anger blind your judgement. Please reconsider it. The Dowager is the nation's figure, if not it was important she wouldn't have come here in the middle of the night." It was as the message got through him. His handlock around her wrist was less pressured, allowing her circulation to run through the channels of her veins.

"Then why did you come here in the middle of the night?" The Emperor asked, as if that question interested him more. His tone milder, his expression softer. For seconds Soo seemed to recognise the gentleness in those eyes.

"I'll propose the matter after the Dowager's. I beg your Majesty."

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