Moving Day

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Johnny awoke the next morning. He lay staring that ceiling of his living room, listening to his sister Lauren getting excited about London, she was trying to speak in a british accent. As he stood up from his sleeping bag, he felt something go down his leg. He looked down to see that he had wet the bed. He was just stood there wearing a vest top and briefs that had been wet. Lauren stood and laughed while his mum helped him to the bathroom. Johnny was shocked he hadn't done this since he was 6 years old.

"What happened? Bad dream?" his mum asked in a soft and caring voice.

"I'm unsure mum" Johnny replied slowly as if he was about to cry.

"Have a shower, then come have breakfast." his mum said. As she walked out of the bathroom she shouted: "I'll bring you some clothes in a second." She walked to his room and picked up the clothes he had set aside for today. She brought them into the bathroom and lay them on the floor, while Johnny was showering and listening to his song "Sleep".  After this, she went downstairs and said to Lauren not to make fun of him.

20 minutes later Johnny got out the shower and shouted: "MUM, THERE IS ONLY A TOP HERE!" she walked into the bathroom to see Johnny stood with scruffy hair and a towel around his legs. She looked at him and said:

"come with me." Johnny followed his mum into his bedroom and she explained to him that it was a long flight and that he would need to sleep on it, and she doesn't want to risk an accident on the plane. "Lauren, as you know is wearing pull-ups on the plane as she doesn't like using the toilet on the plane. You're too big for her pull up's and the only other thing we have are a few leftover diapers from a few years back for an April fools joke."  She pulled out a diaper which had nothing on it and 2 tabs on either side. Johnny went bright red but knew it was no use fighting it. "Lay down and I'll put it on you" he did what she said. "We have 19 left and we are going to be carrying them with us. If you want to use the toilet, just tell me and I'll take the diaper off of you and put a new one on each time." He was then handed his jeans which were black skinnies, showing the bulge of his diaper, and it also coming above his trousers.

At around 2pm they arrived at the airport. "Breathe it in guys, the final few moments of pure Canadian air" Johnny said to everyone. 

"Bro, I'm gonna miss you. Don't go replacing me out there." Carson said. Carson was Johnny's best friend and lived in the US but was in Canada the day they were leaving for a tour.

"As if i could replace you". Johnny said, giving Carson a fist bump goodbye. 

Johhny, Lauren, Mum and Dad all walked into the airport, checked in their luggage and went through security as per usual. They had 3 hours until their flight. Johnny being an internet sensation was constantly being asked for photos by girls. "I can't wait to get away from the severity of all the photo's" Johnny said to his mum. 

"Ah. Looking forward to it now?" she said.

"A few bits" Johnny said to her giggling.

Around an hour and a half later, they were all sat around a table in a restaurant. Lauren had a salad, Johnny had a burger, Mum had pasta, and Dad had pizza. As they were sat there, Johnny felt the urge to pee. "Mum, I need the toilet." Johnny said.

"Not now." She said. "After lunch".

Johnny was desperate so he just let go and his plane wight diaper now had a yellow wetness indicator on it, and the bulge was bigger. He decided not to tell anyone though over dinner. As they got up from the table Johnny's mum went to take him to the unisex toilets but he told her it was too late. 

"I'm going to have to take you into a baby changing room". She said. Johnny went bright red again. She took him an empty one and cleaned him up and put him a new diaper before putting his trousers back on him.

After that, he sat down in the waiting area for his plane. On the left of him was this boy who he didn't know. He looked the same age was fairly good looking. Johnny decided to make conversation with him. "No, you want to pick the other option" he said, referring to the game he was playing on his phone.

"Thanks" the boy said.

"You going to London?" Johnny asked him, stupid question really since he had a British accent.

"Yeah. Came to Canada for a holiday, going back home now. How about you?"

"I'm moving to London today from Canada." Johnny replied with a smile on his face.

"Ah sweet. What seat are you?" the boy asked

"I am seat 5B. Are you close?"

"5A!" He exclaimed back to Johnny.

"I didn't catch your name, sorry" Johnny said to him.

"My name is Dan" he replied

"My name's Johnny"


"Well I guess I'll see you in a few moments" Dan said. As Johnny stood up he noticed the diaper peeping out the top of his trousers.

After boarding the plane they sat together for the rest of the journey bonding and having fun. At around 1 AM when everyone except them two were sleeping, Dan brought up the diaper.

"Johnny, I hope you don't mind me asking, but I noticed you're wearing a diaper"

"Yeah, that's because I wet the bed last night" Johnny paused and went bright red again. "It's just for protection tonight, I don't need them all the time."

"Okay. Cool. I was just wondering." Dan said.


Johnny's mum came over and said: "Johnny I need to talk to you". Johnny got over from his seat and spoke to his mum. 

"I need to change your diaper."

"But I haven't used it."

"The buldge says otherwise." Taking him into the toilet and changing his diaper into a new one, Johnny was shocked that he had wet his diaper, while awake and unknowingly. His mum told him that he had to wear them without trousers now so that the trousers don't get stretched. 

Johnny sat back down in his seat. Dan looked at him.

"New diaper?" Dan asked.

"yeah." Johnny replied quietly.

"It's ok. I'll love you no matter what" Dan said. At this point, the landing light came on.

"Wait. What?" Johnny said.

"I'm gay" Dan said. "And I love you".

"I'm sorry Dan but I'm not gay, or at least I don't think I am."

"oh. that's a shame." Dan replied.

The rest of the landing was done in silence, with not a peep between them.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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