
11 1 2

It's not a date. Yet my heart flutters at the thought of being alone together again. My heart dances when I imagine the feeling of his fingers grazing my skin.

Suddenly, I find myself recalling our first encounter. The sweet and gentle touch of his lips. The way he would pull me into his chest and-"Neo!" I jump at the mention of my name. "Your phone is ringing," Ximena informs.

"Thanks," I mumble while answering the call. "Hello?"

"Hey, it's Shawn. Are you ready for our date?" I choked.

"D-date?" I replied.

"Yes. Date," he chuckles.

"Yeah. I'm-uh ready," I nod.

"Nervous, eh?" he teases.

"No, what makes you say that?" I asked as I chewed off the edges of my nail.

"Nothing. Just the way you stumble over your words. I don't remember you being this nervous last time. Then again, there wasn't much talking." Oh. My. God.

"I'll be over there in ten."

"See you then!" I replied rapidly before immediately hanging up. I fell into the closest chair and exhaled.

"Um.. what the hell was that?" Ximena laughed. I groaned and trudged my way towards her. I flopped onto the couch and replied, "He's just- I don't even know where to start," I sighed.

"Well I mean he's gorgeous! I don't blame you for being like this. I know I'd be acting like this after the first date with someone like that. But I know you wouldn't be freaking out unless you slept with him." Click.

"Oh my gosh, you two had sex!" She shrieked. "Could you say that again? I don't think the guy on the third floor heard you." I retorted.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She whined.

"Because I didn't want to make a big deal out of it," I answered truthfully.

"What was it like? Is he-

"Oh my God," I laughed while slamming my head into my pillow.

"What?! These details are crucial!"

"Crucial to what?"

"I need to make sure that my best friend is getting the best."

"You-still haven't answered my questions," she finished. My phone vibrates, so I pull it out of my purse. The screen revealed a text from Shawn indicating that he was outside.

"I love you, but I have to go," I called as I rushed to the door.

"You suck!" I blew Ximena a kiss and closed the door. With every step, my heart raced. I couldn't help but smile as I walked down the dim-lit hallway.
However, when I saw him waiting for me at the door, all I could think about was running my hands through his hair.

Then I realized this is a whole ass date. The corners of my lips fell and my heart was running a marathon.

"Hey," his greeting was accompanied by a boyish grin.

"Hi," I grinned politely. "You look beautiful," he mentioned as we made our way to his car.

"I'm not too dressed up?" I asked while I brushed away the imaginary dust off the tiny flowers on my dress.

"You look beautiful," Shawn reassured opening the car door to the passenger seat. Before I entered, I caught a glimpse of his hazel eyes. "Thank you," I replied. We stood there for a moment.

His gaze was soft and gentle. I thought that him towering over me would be intimidating but it wasn't. It was the complete opposite. I slipped inside the car and watched Shawn rush to the driver's side. He hopped in and slid the keys into the ignition.

After the car's low hum, Shawn began our commute to the museum. Once we arrived, Shawn opened the door for me once again. I thanked him on our way towards the ticket booth. His friend from the inside let us, free of charge of course, and we walked into the first exhibit.

Watching Shawn observe the historical art was a work of art itself. His eyes take in every detail the painting has to offer. Appreciating the artists work. Occasionally, a strand of his hair would fall to the sides of his face and he touseled his hair. Every part of me wanted to press my lips against his.

I know the feeling is mutual. I can hear his heart pounding against his chest whenever he stands close enough. All we had to do was just stop messing around and admit it to each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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