part 2

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*as you sit in class you think, Zach would never understand what happened last night, jakes the only person in the whole world you trust enough to tell this to, so you sit in class and wait for the bell, as soon as it rings you stand up and walk out of the room and Zach and jake get up to follow you*
z- you're supposed to walk me to my next class
*you turn around and you're on the verge of tears and jake can tell*
jake- listen Zach i'll walk you but    y/n needs some time right now
z- i get that, but listen i'm here if you need to talk
y/n- thank you
jake- y/n i promise you we will talk later
y/n- we better
z- umm if we have next class together where are you going to go
y/n- fuck you're right
jake- come here y/n
*you walk up to jake and he hugs you then you start walking*
z- does jake have math with us too
jake- i have every class with y/n
y/n- yes he does, and i haven't started to hate you yet so congrats
jake- that's not nice
y/n- you're not nice
z- have you two ever dated because you should
*you and jake look at each other and laugh*
y/n- me date jake ha that's funny
jake- she's like my sister so that's gross
z- okay then
jake- i didn't do the homework
y/n- you never do
z- my sister does her homework
*you feel a tear fall down your cheek and immediately run in the other direction, jake starts running after you and Zach right behind him. you stop at a bench and sit down and just cry, jake holds you and Zach sits down next to you*
z- i'm sorry
jake- it's okay Zach you didn't know what's happening
y/n- i'm never telling him, jake i'm only telling you
z- do you want me to leave
y/n- please, just ask someone else for help i'll he back tomorrow
*Zach walks away*
jake- he didn't know y/n
y/n- yea but the fact that my sister has cancer and was clear and it came back and then was told that she had less than 6 months to live because there was nothing else they could do hurts, it hurts all the time
jake- i know, and this doesn't make you weak y/n it makes you strong because you can get through this
y/n- yea but everyone i tell treats me like a child, i get treated like this little egg that if you say one thing wrong i'll break, everyone treats me like a child and i hate it
jake- that's only because people feel bad
y/n- so make them stop feeling bad and treat me normal
*Zach comes back*
z- sorry but i couldn't stand to see you hurt like this
y/n- Zach please
z- i promise you that whatever it is i'm not going to judge you for it, it won't change how i think of you
y/n- it will, it always does
z- from what i've seen you are a freaking amazing person and nothing will change what i think of you
jake- Zach please don't push her
z- it's about your sister?
y/n- ZACH GO
z- fine
*Zach leaves and you cry in jakes arms, you sit there for like 10 minutes. at this point you're late to class and so is jake so you get up and wipe your tears away and walk to math you and jake sit next to Zach*
z- well you're back now
y/n- yea i am
jake- wow i'm sensing some tension
z- well she yelled at me then just comes in and sits next to me like you can't hate me one minute than be friends the next
y/n- Zach i didn't hate you i needed time, because you talked about your sister and it reminded me i only have 6 months left with mine so don't you dare go bitch at me
jake- y/n what did we say on playing the oh my sisters gonna die card to get people to be nice
y/n- it never works and i have to stop
jake- and what did you just do
y/n- i told Zach my sister was dying because he was being a brat
jake- well now he knows
y/n- he doesn't know why
teacher- am i interrupting you're conversation or can i continue teaching the class math
jake- you can continue
*you sit in silence until the end of the class and when the bell rings you stand up and walk out with jake and Zach*
jake- it's finally lunch time
z- so am i going to find out why your sisters dying
y/n- she had cancer and she beat it and was done, they had to do checkups every month for 6 months to make sure it was gone for good and after 6 months if she was still clear she would be fine and it was the 6th month check up yesterday and the cancers back, they told us that treatment wouldn't work and she had less than 6 months to live
z- wow i'm so sorry
y/n- now say something mean to me
z- what
y/n- don't treat me all fragile because you know i don't want that, i wanna be treated normally
z- fine you brat
y/n- thanks jerk
*you both laugh*
jake- i ship you two
y/n- jake no
z- i just got out of a relationship
jake- fine, lets play truth or dare
y/n- okay
z- i'm in
jake- okay Zach truth or dare
z- truth
jake- what was your first thought when you saw y/n
z- well...

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