☠ Chapter fourteen☠

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Sam's p.o.v
It's been a few weeks and Colby finally agreed on letting me get pills for his bipolar disorder. He was stubborn at first but eventually gave in.

I slowly opened his door and peaked my head in, to spot Colby in the corner of the room sitting there with a blank expression while music is blasting through his ears.

He glances up at me but doesn't say anything.

I enter the room hesitantly and close the door behind me. Silence was shared before I actually started speaking.

"Hey- uh, have you been taking your pills?" I ask quietly, because sometimes he'll get mad at me, and that's how I know he hasn't. But his moods are different all the time.

He looks at his lap before shaking his head no.

I sigh and sit on his bed. He looks up at me.

"Why not?" I ask, in that same quiet tone.

He takes the headphones out of his ears.

"Because it makes me feel like a freak, Sam." He said in a calm voice, it almost made me uneasy.

"But, it'll make you feel better, colbs" I point out, while hesitantly reaching for his pills on his nightstand, and he watches my every move.

I open the bottle and put two in my hand. "Here" I say, and push my hand towards him. He stares at my hand before shaking his head and giving in. He sighs as he swallows them, and avoids my eyes.

"Colbs, you're not a freak...you know that, right?" I ask, itching for him to look at me.

He scoffs and chuckles humorlessly. "Okay, sure. I'm a horrible boyfriend, for sake I abuse you and I don't even f.king mean it" he says, and leans his head against the wall. "I am a freak, Sam. No wonder my parents don't love me" he whispered, and I could tell he wanted to cry, so bad. But I knew he never liked crying in front of people. It made him feel weak.

I wanted to comfort him, but when he was like this, in this mood, he got super snappy and I learned that the hard way, so I try my best to comfort him with words.

Our relationship is toxic.

Colby' s like a chemical that I can't touch, and I'm the test subject. And I hate it so, dang, much.

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