☠️ Twenty Three ☠️

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[Sams pov]
Colby pulled away and walked back over to his bed where I assumed he was laying before I knocked. He sighed and sat down, and took the pill bottle out of the bag. He stared at it, reading all the labels even though he knows what it says, he's memorized it. He sighs again, shakes his head as if he's disappointed with himself, and opens the bottle.

He took two, and swallowed them dryly. I cringed and scrunched up my face, I never understood how he was able to do that. Even from the angle i was at, I could see tears rolling down his cheeks. His back was facing me. I studied all the little scars he had on his back, all from when he was younger. I remember before him and I started dating, he told me about every. Single. One. And I absolutely loved it.

I smiled to myself, I missed those memories, where we would talk like there was no end and laugh until we were gasping for air.. everything changed and it makes me sad.

And then I noticed one scar. It was on his hips, closest to the edge of his pants. I got sad as i remembered he once got a broken bottle thrown at him by a couple bullies, and I had to frantically drive him to the hospital because shards of glass were stuck in his skin, but only one scarred him. My eyes were blurry as I drove him, I remember it like it was yesterday.

I noticed he was looking at me, I must've spaced out. "What's wrong?" He asked me.

"O-oh nothing, don't worry" I said, and smiled, but he had a stern look on his face.
"Baby tell me what's wrong" he pushed, and I sighed. I don't want to fight with him, I don't I don't I don't.

"Colby I promise I'm okay, just thinking" I whispered. And smiled sadly.

He still looked like he didn't believe me, but he hesitatingly nodded. "Oh. Okay.. if you need something I'm here" he said quietly.

I sighed and left the doorframe of his room. I went to my room, next door. I laid myself in my bed and tangled myself in my blankets as I tried to quiet my sobs. Why can't things just go back to normal? I want my colby back..

I heard my door creek open and I quickly tried making it seem like I was sleeping by closing my eyes, which probably didn't change anything because my back was facing the door.

My bed dipped and he laid next to me, his arm securely around my thin waist, and he burried his face in the crook of my neck. After 2 silent minutes I felt tears wet my neck and he hugged me harder.

I was crying as well, but I didn't want him to know. "Colby, babe what's wrong?" I whispered.

"Sammy.." he said, his voice cracking.
My heart ached, I wanted to help but I didn't want to make him mad.
"I want to change Sam, I want to. I don't want to keep putting you through hell, where can I get help Sammy? Please I want us to be happy... I want you, to be happy.." he quickly said.
My heart skipped a beat, he wanted to help himself. I felt happy.

"I can schedule a therapist for you, if you want babe.." I said quietly, knowing multiple times before he had gotten sensitive when the word "therapist" came out of my mouth.
He stayed quiet for a moment, I got scared. I was about to apologize but to my surprise he said, "okay" and nodded.

I felt relieved. I turned myself over so I was facing him, his blue eyes staring into mine. I hugged him tightly and never wanted to let go. He held me back. Maybe this was the chance of our relationship finally healing, right?

Looks like Colby is finally getting help! Let's hope this goes well..
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope you enjoyed, I tried making it a little longer :) I'll update later, too.

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