Chapter 7, A Little Surprise

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So hey guys! I'm back again with A new chapter. I have made a ship for Julian and Shailene, hope you like it!!
This chapter isn't much of suspense, but the next one will be! All the shippers of Juilene (yeah, I told you) eennjoyyy!!!

The sound of birds is the sound I hear when I woke up. I rub my eyes and switch off my alarm. I love nature, I have been hearing this sound since four years. I smile and get up to brush my teeth and take a shower and get my books ready and, hold on, I work so hard! Don't I?!
I quickly change into a pair of jeans and a comfortable floral top. Which is yellow. Of course.

I bid my byes to mom, who had arrived late yesterday night. I start my car and turn the radio on. Like a super amazing dancer when I dance like crazy, my songs are also super melodious. Haha, sarcasm. I sound just like a poor old woman screaming at the top of her lungs. Well it's super fun, no matter what the results are!!

I park my car in its permanent which and grab my backpack, move towards our school. As soon as I enter, I find myself surrounded by other pupils. "Hey!" Someone says. "Sup" I return back. "You weren't there at Jame's birthday?!" Someone else says. "Nah" I say. Come on man. If you see that you saw that I wasn't there, it means I wasn't! Why the hell ask?! And before I could get irritated of these stupid questions like "oh my god I love your hairdo today! Did you get it done from the parlor?" , "Is that a floral top you are wearing?" And blah blah. It's just like when you are eating, someone asks "Are you eating?"

I move to my locker to get my biology books out and realize that I would be sharing this with Mason. I find a note in my locker. And as no one else knows my password, I smile as I realize it is from Julian. His neat handwriting can be easily detected.

Hey! Meet me at my house today. Sharp at 4. It's the surprise I was talking about yesterday. Don't be late like always!
Wink wink

I feel super excited, who wouldn't!! If their boyfriend had invited them for a little surprise, he might take me to an amusement park or give me my favorite book collection - divergent of course! I have read it five times or might take me to a restaurant...which make chicken nuggets and fries and hamburgers and chocolate cake... But hold on, where is he?! Oh he must have gone to get some food...

"Shailene!!! You are drooling!" I hear Mason. "What?!" I ask...obviously red. "Come on babe! It's biology! I know you don't like it, but get a move!" He says. Dragging me. I move towards my first lesson and the day flies as lunch approaches. But the strange thing is I didn't see Julian today. HE NEVER misses school.

"Did something happen to him?" I ask my intelligent mind, haha, I'm so funny. Sarcasm. But where is he?

"Guys...I didn't see Julian today. What happened?" I ask my friends. And as I say this, I see weird smiles all around me. Huh, looks like everyone knows. Except me. Amazing!

"Someone is missing her fiance" says Mia.

Again red, What's the problem with me?! I reply "He is NOT my fiance" to which I hear laughter from others.

"Don't worry Shailene, he is fine. He is just..." Says jade as she receives a slap at her head from Thea.

The day again goes by with the school popular rituals as I set off for Julian's house. His house is a bit bigger than mine with a decent white paint and colour patterns on some parts. I like this one. I approach the door and ring the bell. No one answers.

"What happened to him?! Did Shailene do something?!" I ask myself. As expected, I DON'T get an answer. I open the door with the spare keys Mrs Johnson keeps under the third pot in his garden. She also ALWAYS wears her hair in a ponytail. Always.

No no. I am NOT a stalker. Especially of Mrs Johnson, she is married and I HAVE a boyfriend.

As I open the door, I see Julian, with a guitar in his hand. And as I remember, on Friday's, he is alone at his house, his mom gone to teach, yeah she is a teacher and his dad, as usual, an architect.

"Julian, what..." And I am stopped before completing my sentence. He touches his fingers to my lips and leaves me warm and FULL ON FIRE.

"Please don't play that guitar, it looks amazing. You might break it" I joke as I hear him play.

I feel my heart melt, as he sings my favorite romantic song - perfect. It reminds me of Julian, and as he is singing it, I feel dazed.

"I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead

Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love.."

His voice, which is deep, totally rocks the song. I didn't mean to disturb him, but even I start singing. I feel is some happiness I never knew I could hold, and all this is, is because of Julian. I love him. And I'll love him longer than I can EVER imagine.

"Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight"

I feel my eyes wet, as I rub them. "Julian, thank you so much. I just can't imagine that you learnt this song, which you completely hated and sang it just for me. I'm so grateful and happy to have a person like you in my life. I love you so much. I didn't even know you could play the guitar so well. I, I..." As I stop myself before I say something crying.

As Julian is, he notices. "Yeah. I learnt to play from my dad. He loves music you know, this guitar is also his. And if I see you crying again, I don't think I'll be giving you surprises anymore now, yeah?" he says Wiping away my tears. I smile.

"Well the surprise isn't over yet!" He says.

"More?" I ask.

"Aha, follow me" as I follow him to his room.

He stands like a gentleman, and opens the door for me. I stand open mouthed, as I see his room beautifully decorated, in balloons and ribbons. Just as I was about to ask him what is this for, I read a message on the wall. He has written it in yellow.

Let's rock the prom, being Julene.

I turn around, and see him sitting on his knees.

"Will you, Shailene Collins, go to the ball with me?" He asks.

"It'll be my dream" I answer.

"what is Julene?"

"A spicy mix of You and Me" he says.

So guys, this was the LONGEST chapter I have EVER written, please vote and comment!!
And trust me, with all your support the book is turning out great!!
Thanks so much!
Xoxo 💕

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