Chapter 4, Its Fine

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Crying. Julian was in tears. "Shai, is in the hospital..She had a a heart attack. Well I came home after shopping some groceries from Wal-Mart, and I found her panicking, and..." Julian choked.

I had never seen him cry. His voice usually so deep, mysterious and super sexy, now seemed completely different. And I will do whatever it takes to bring him back again.

"Don't worry, I'll be there in a few minutes. Calm down Julian. Crying won't be any useful. Which hospital?" I asked as I turned the car keys, turning the car on.

"Treslands." he said, calming down a bit. I nod and tell him I'm on my way.

Mrs Wilson will be absolutely fine.

The car roars to life and I speed. I had learnt to drive in absolutely life and death situations, due to her. That jerk has made me done things I hadn't even imagined.

I park in the campus and speed my way toward the lift to reach room 345 as Julian had instructed on my text.

I knock and the door opens as I see Mr Wilson, he seems extremely worried, tired, and has dark bags under his eyes.

I give him a warm look, and make my towards Julian's mom, who seems pale and it seems as all the colour has been drained out of her face.

Jasmine, his little sister comes and hugs me tight.
"Mommy's gonna be okay right? I don't want to live with daddy, he's a bad cook." She asks, her eyes full of tears.

I hug her back and reply, "Of course she will! She has little Jasmine to take care of her."

She smiles at me and points at Julian.
"Cheer him up too."

Then I see him, Julian, who sits in the corner, so deep in thoughts that he hasn't even noticed that I'm here.
I go up to him and hold his hand. This gets his attention as he looks up to me.

The handsome and muscular Julian is replaced by worry lines and tears. I hug him. "Thanks a lot for coming. It means a lot." He says in the verge of tears.

"If I didn't come, I'm sure I'd be in the hospital tomorrow." I joke to lift up his spirits.

"No please I can't lose you too" he whispers.

I realise that my super funny joke didn't do any good. Sarcasm.

I hold his hand, my cold hand on his warm one, and stay long. I'll be there for him when he needs me. Again I hear a thank you, to which I again mentioned not to mention it.

The doctor came with a notepad. " she is fine now. She has had stress for weeks and had not been eating well, and working out too much. I have given this medication and hope she'll be fine now."

I hear his words which gave me all the relief needed. I look up to Mr Wilson and then at Julian both seem to have smiling.
Jasmine, the poor girl only about 7 asks, "is that good news?" her face confused.

The doctor chuckles and ruffles her hair.
"Sure it is. But you need to take care of her and make sure she eats lots of food and takes good rest."
Making Jasmine smile.

I felt really happy. I couldn't live in a world without Mrs Wilson. She is so like my mom. Always cares for me. I side hug Julian and he does the same as we move out of the room.
"God. It really took my breath away. I'm just so glad she is fine now. By the way you had to say something?" He asked.

"Nope..nothing. I just wanna say that I love you."

We kissed. I decided that it is not the right moment to talk to him about prom. Will do it some other time, when it's better.

I bid my byes to Mr Wilson and Julian, and drive my car away. I had just started, or so I thought, as I got a call from mom. I told her what happened.

"Thank goodness she is fine. I wouldn't want my best friend to go away!" She says.

"Well Shailene we need to clean up the store tomorrow. It's a HUGE mess. And you are helping."

"Of course mom" I said as I hung up.

I reached home. And as soon as I did, I got a call from her.

The one who is responsible for my complete life. I am Linda Parker and I'm faking around being Shailene Collins, and she is doing what I don't completely even know.

"Hello?" I said, this time my voice wasn't shaking unlike the way it did with David, the man who called me earlier, with the same thing.

"Hmm, so I just wanted to tell you, business expanded. It's getting better." And before I could say anything she hung up. I sighed.

Well yo this is my amazing life..And some say it's fine..

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