Chapter 13, All Set

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Hey guys!
Just a little note before you start off...So firstly I want to thank you all for the 416 reads I have got. I can't believe it reached this far...And it's all because of you!!
An important announcement 'this book is mine. All the ideas and plots belong to me and only me. The story can't be copied nor it's ideas. I have thought of them over and over before writing them down, and you can't steal them.'
I thought to give this thing before, but with accordance to recent events, it was necessary.
One last thing, I want to thank @flamexavier and @anshusharma541 for adding my book to their reading lists!
Thanks again!!
Now no more talk...start reading!

My alarm woke me up, and I swear I haven't hated it to this extent until now.
Dragging my feet to the bathroom, I glance at the mirror to a ghost with dark bags looking back at me.

I step into the shower and stand still while the warm water falls on me, not bothering to clean myself up.

Today is the day I meet Shailene Mande Collins, the person who has carved my life to what it actually is. It has been two years since we last met, and thanks to my amazing memory...I don't even remember it well.

My gut tells me something is going to go horribly wrong today, and I don't stand in a position to prove it wrong.
My gut is usually right.

After drying myself up with the towel, I change into a pair of shorts, and a white tank top.

Not having the time OR energy to look good I just tie up my hair into a messy bun and rush down the stairs; managing not to slip on any.
After wearing some plain black flats, I let the delicious scent of sandwiches fill me up as I enter the kitchen to dad's smile and mom's nod.

"Good morning Shai." Mom says, smiling up a bit.

"Morning!" I wish both of them, thanking dad silently with my eyes for the couple of Nutella sandwiches placed a plate.

"Yeah, I made them for you." He beams.

"Shailene dear, dad is going for a business trip...again, and I have a shift for three days. Really sorry but is it fine by you to stay alone for another 3 days?" My mom asks as I had just dug into my delicacy.

"Yeah, totally! No problem, be safe." I reply.

It'll be very beneficial today.

"Thanks baby. I don't know when you grew up this soon, I still remember the day we adopted you..." She starts, and I stop her.
I don't wanna know that I am adopted again; the place where it all started. Departing different paths.

"Please, I am all yours now and will always be so." I say hugging her tightly.

Dad groans, "Don't leave me out!"

Both me and mom giggle while making space for him to join the group hug.

My watch's alarm beeps, and I look at the time. Oh. My. God.

Seeing me gasp in my panicked state, both of them chuckle and wave at me as I run at seriously fast speed to reach my car and start it.

After 20 minutes according to my GPS, which seems like 5 to me, I step out to hear the bell ringing and to find the entry gate totally abandoned.

I'm never hugging anyone again.

I turn around when I feel a poke on my shoulder to see Jake in his usual leather jacket.

"Wooh, the first period has started and for the first time in forever you're late? I'm recording this; it's the scene of once in a lifetime." He grins jokingly.

"I'm really that late?"

"Shut up and run!" I yell, and he laughs "babe relax. We are here...And the teacher won't come on time. I bet thousand dollars on it" he laughs, joining me on the side as we walk to my class together. And he was right, Mr Bill isn't here.

I sigh, as I sit on my usual seat, at the back, but unlike most of my friends, I pay attention to the stuff on the blackboard.

"Woah...YOU are late" Noah whistles.

"Shut up. And I am NOT late" I say back.

"Good morning to you too sunshine" he says, making me roll my eyes. I can't even pass a minute without doing it...

The day flies, well not for Noah and Mia...Mia had failed Calculus AGAIN...And as usual didn't care much saying her pet dialogue "I CAN be a doctor without knowing the table of 59! "
And poor Noah, failing in Geography, saying "Oh come on. Who cares if there is black lava soil or Fresh mud in Africa?"

I meet Julian, who seems as damn awesome as ever. In a sleeveless T, a pair of cargo pants. Unlike most populars, he cares about his grades. After all, he wants to go to Princeton, like me. And trust me, it was a total coincidence! We both are going to the same college. He isn't cocky like the other ones, the thing I admire the most about him. He is caring, and understands me truly, he doesn't have much of the thing called humour, but I like it. I don't want us to be a couple always joking...after all I have this trait to fill him up. Now, His muscles can clearly be seen, and his toned arms...

"Girl you're drooling. Please stop." Comes in Jessy giggling her heart out.
"Oh come on" is All I muster, and eat my food.

The day passes, and now I am standing in front of my always dirty and messy closet, deciding what to wear, although this NEVER happens to me. I literally just put on anything I find in front of me, and usually I have my friends over to pick my dress for me, and I am GRATEFUL, otherwise I might definitely look like a lunatic...

I decide on a black trousers and a white plain shirt, tucked in neatly. I love formals! Anyways, I tie my hair into a messy bun...who will make a pony, it's so tiring.
And to top it all, I get myself a pocket knife for safety. Come on, I am visiting the gangs. Safety is important.

Just then a voice speaks in my mind "of course, people can be killed by a pocket knife...a person is murdered by a pocket knife!"

And another came up "Shut up".

I go down and wear my black sneakers, grabbing my car keys. I sigh, thank God mom and dad aren't here.

I move to my car and start it. As usual, it roars like a lion. I need some courage. Learn something Linda...wait, why should I learn from a car engine?

Anyways, I set off...all ready for the meet. Who knows I might return back as a zombie... But right now, I am all set.

Woah now that's something to look forward to eh?
I'll again repeat myself to not to copy my book or its ideas.
Xoxo 💕

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