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inside the city that's faker than shinhoe's fortnite kills™

y/n was running around inside the city, not keeping track of how many points she has gotten because let's face it, her memory is shit.

"7 MINUTES AND 30 SECONDS LEFT!!" present mic screeched, as y/n found 3 two pointer 'villains'.

'now, how can I defeat these villains in one shot epicly?'y/n thought quickly as she looked for options.

'maybe if i hit the right angle on the leg and it rebounded or something?- no that wouldn't work....' y/n caught a glimpse at a window that was on one of the buildings next to her.

'perhaps if i shoot the lightning at the window and it will reflect off the glass onto the robots, this might fail but fucking YoLo!!' she made a ball of f/c lightning in her hands and progressively made it larger.

then when the power was at the correct limit to destroy these 'villains' she shot the lightning at said window on the buildings, and the f/c bolt got onto the leg of the robot, making it topple to the side, then onto the other one, like a domino a...

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then when the power was at the correct limit to destroy these 'villains' she shot the lightning at said window on the buildings, and the f/c bolt got onto the leg of the robot, making it topple to the side, then onto the other one, like a domino affect.

Pfft hoetoshi needs to get a dictionary. My goddessliness ObViOuSLy exists' y/n excitedly congratulated her self before hearing present mic yell:


that warning finally knocked some common sense into y/n as she jogged off looking for new robots to 'destroy' she came across 4 three pointers and a boy who looked like he was about to be crushed by rubble.

Without thinking, y/n waved her arms in a circular motion to create momentum as she then pushed two whirling tornadoes at the bustling robots

"SUPER MOVE: TORNADO TURBINE!!" is what she yelled as she directed the tornadoes. y/n didn't see the boy come out and approached her from the rubble because her hands were burnt, she was in dire need for water, and on tOp of that, her throat was throbbing and couldn't breathe properly, yup she had over used her quirk. gReAt gOiNg y/N!

"TIMES UP EVERYONE!! THE TEST IS DONE!" present mic ugly screeched out like an eight year old whose dirt house had been blown up by a creeper in minecraft.

the boy that y/n had amazingly saved had a worried look in this crimson eyes as he watched the e/c girl control her breathing and having blistered palms.

"do you need any healing young one?" The black haired boy looked down to see recovery girl, only to receive a shake of the head as an answer.

"Well then take these gummies, and can you please tell me what's wrong with her?" recovery girl asked Kirishima as she pointed at Y/N.

"Oh I'm all good, I just overused my quirk.... hehe" y/n coughed out, more like wheezed but ok. recovery girl then healed y/n's hands and have her some water, before her lazy ass passed out.


When the h/c worn out teenager was about to leave the arena, only to be stopped by the ravenette.

"oh uh hello .." she nervously said

"hey, I'm kirishima and I really have to thank you for saving me back there, are you ok?" kirishima asked with a smile.

"uh- yEA, it was no problem and i'm all good" Y/N stuttered a bit,

"oh haha im l/n by the way" she continued. he took her hand to shake it

"that move back there was so manly! I was blown away!" kirishima excitedly exclaimed as y/n giggled at his pun.

"well kirishima, it was great to meet 'cha fam, but I gotta skiddadle. do you want to trade numbers so we can talk more?" Y/N asked as she held her now unlocked phone out, he did the same, and then they parted ways.


hoetoshi shinsoe 🐱✌️
yO wHere tF r u cmOn

broke ass 🅱️itch
sorry broski😌👊 i needed
h e a l i n g and i passed out cos apparently
i was out of energy

broke ass 🅱️itch
omw now impatient hoe

'shinhoe hoetoshi 's nickname has been changed to:   'impatient hoe 😤😤' !

impatient hoe 😤😤
ah fuck i can't believe you've done this

broke ass 🅱️itch
no u

broke ass 🅱️itch

impatient hoe 😤😤

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impatient hoe 😤😤

As y/n quickly left the changing room to look and not find her lavender haired friend anywhere

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As y/n quickly left the changing room to look and not find her lavender haired friend anywhere.

'yo I was just texting him why tf didn't I ask where he was... stupid bitch' y/n questioned herself.


said a familiar, yet monotone voice said behind her. y/n shrieked like how a prepubescent 13 year old would when their xbox was turned whilst playing fortnite.

"you stuuuupid bitch" Shinso said to her sarcastically

"well hello to you too then" y/n sassed with a pout. The two crackheads shared a glare at each other then not even two seconds later, they howled in laughter while making their way home.

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