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"u.a high school hero course exam orientation for all you examinee listeners tuning in welcome to my show today! everybody say hey!!" present mic yelled

"hey n/n, he looks like a cockatoo and a banana had a child or something" shinso whispered as she and shinso snorted. silence hung over the crowd of teens as present mic waited with a hand to his ear

"what a refined response."

"then i'll quickly present to you the rundown on the practical exam! are you ready? yeah!" he continued. silence, accept for the few snickers here and there and hushed whispers.

"it's the voice hero, present mic! wow! i listen to him every week on the radio. i'm so moved!" the boy to y/n's left fangirled.

'is he some sort of fanboy or something?? lol his hair reminds me of a broccoli, i'm gonna call him that now' y/n thought as she zoned out the rest of the mumbling, and actually tuned into what she really needed to listen to, who was yelling the instructions for the exam.

"as it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this! you can bring whatever you want with you. after the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay?" he continued as shinso leaned onto my shoulder to have a peek at which was my battle centre.

"aw damn you're in b" shinso whispered "what's yours?" y/n replied as shinso showed her the card that read 'c'.

"oof, now you can't even see me fucking destroy the place with my goddessliness" (like godliness, but with a goddess, cos she's a girl) y/n said proudly.

"your quote on quote 'godessliness' isn't even a word dipshit" shinso sassed as he flicked her ear only to hear a small "ow" coming from the girl.

"three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. you earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains. of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!" present mic said about as passionately as how y/n sings in the shower.

"may i ask a question?" some guy with navy blue hair exclaims as his posture is straighter than y/n's bi-ness


"on the printout, there are four types of villains. if that is a misprint, then u.a, the most prominent school in japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. we examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes. in addition, you over there with the curly hair! you've been muttering this whole time. it's distracting! if you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!" the navy haired guy finishes.

"hey! maybe you should take out that stick that's in your ass? or you should get the robots to do it for you!" y/n yelled as a certain ash blonde was smirking at the h/c girl whilst the navy and green haired  males instantly blush and everyone burst with laughter; even present mic was trying to conceal his laughter. shinso slapped y/n's hand repeatedly like a high five whilst cackling.

"okay, okay, examinee number 7111 and 6969. thanks for the *cough* great message."

"the fourth type of villain is worth zero points. that guy's an obstacle, so to speak. there's one in every battle centre. an obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. it's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either. i recommend that you listeners try to avoid it. that's all from me! finally, i'll give you listeners our school motto! the hero napoleon bonaparte once said:

"a true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes.

go beyond. plus ultra! now, everyone, good luck suffering!"


after repeated giggling and 'good lucks' shinso and y/n unfortunately had to part ways their respective bathrooms. y/n changed into a pair of black leggings for easy movement, a f/c singlet that has low shoulder holes and some worn out f/c vans. she made her way to the arena to start stretching as she was tapped on the shoulder.

"u-um e-excuse m-m-me?" she turned around to meet the emerald eyes of that boy that y/n savagely stood up for.

"yea?" y/n questioned as he looked like he was staring off into space.

midoriya's pov

oh. my. god. she was beautiful. the way her silky h/c braids flowed in the small breeze, how her e/c eyes glistened with curiosity, and the wa-

"uhhh hello??" her slim s/c fingers snapped in front of my face to snap me out of my *cough* trance

"u-u-u-uh-u" i stuttered out. just great that's so dumb.

"it's ok, take your time." she mentioned. i cleared my throat to hopefully clear the deep red blush on my face; my attempt probably failed.

"uh i-i just w-wanted t-to t-t-thank you f-for t-that i-inside...uhh" i trailed off because i didn't even know her name!

"heh, wheres my manners, l/n is the name your looking for." l/n said with a laugh as she did finger guns.

normal pov

"m-my n-name's midoriya" he stuttered out "well while i love having a grand chat, i need to stretch and you probably should to. see ya!" y/n yelled as she ran off probably to stretch, while he was left in the dust. around about 3 minutes after y/n was stretching and wondering how her tik tok account was doing,

"those furry roleplaying cucks better not over throw my discord server while i'm gone damn it" she mumbled as she stretched.

"okay, start! what's wrong? there are no countdowns in real fights!" present mic yelled as everyone stood there dumbfounded. well almost everyone. accept an amazing h/c girl (yes you are amazing) who was already inside the gates.

"go on run! that girl has got it already!!" he announced as he pointed at y/n

"cucks!" y/n screamed as everyone snapped and ran into the fake city.

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