The Blood Brand

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Quick announcement*

To all the people messaging me idea's for some chapters and book idea's involving "smut". I appreciate them but I'm going to keep it the way it's going so far.

I know quite a few people want more but I'm keeping it small.

And to the ones that aren't fans of smut; that's why I give out the
smut alert warning when it happens, just go ahead and skip ahead a little and continue like you didn't see it.

Thanks everyone for reading 🤘

Continuing from the last chapter*

Tommy and Lexi have been spending as much time as they could.

And since the weekday tour was over until next week made them have more time together.

The day after TV, both Lexi and Tommy spent most of the day sleeping and recovering from extreme amount of jetlag.

Both would take naps together which would make Lexi feel loved, she thought it was romantic.

And speaking of romance, Tommy and Lexi's one year anniversary of being together is next month. But it sadly lands on Wrestlemania weekend, so they wouldn't be able to do anything for it since they'll both be too busy.

So Tommy is going to suprise Lexi by celebrating it a little early.

Friday, three days until they leave for TV*


Tommy rolled over and shut off the alarm as him and Lexi have been sleeping through them lately.

Both bumped up the time from getting up at seven, to now waking up at ten.

And they both can feel the difference, feeling more refreshed than normal.

But now he was awake at nine today since he had a few things to plan out for todays suprise.

He let go of Lexi as she was still sleeping, got up and walked around to the door that leads out into the hallway.

Tommy turned around to see her move over to the other side.

Tommy: You have no idea what's happening today.

He smiled and shut the bedroom door so the dogs don't wake her up.

Walking downstairs with some clothes, Tommy walked into the first floor bathroom to take a shower.

Just so he didn't have to wake Lexi, since she's having more trouble getting back on track after that tour.

20 minutes later*

He walked out of the bathroom in his sweats and going to the kitchen where his laptop was.

This day was all planned out in his notes, and he didn't need much to make this day amazing for the both of them.

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