This Is Getting Out Of Hand

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2 weeks after the brutal assault*

Lexi and Tommy have been on the road for the SummerSlam tour. It was three weeks away and WWE was building a story for Nikki and Lexi, the new women's tag team champions.

Multiple women were forming tag teams so they could get their hands on the titles.

One of Lexi's best friends, Ember Moon was trying to start a social media beef with her; but it wasn't working since everyone knows their best friends.

So the creative team were cooking something up for the new champions.

Now onto Tommy and his SummerSlam story, they have nothing for him.

The frustration between Tommy and WWE was building higher and higher since he was promised everything. They weren't fulfilling their word and he was getting tired of being stuck in the shadows.

With all of this happening at work, he was now dealing with his depression again. It had flaired up again when the weeks past his mother's birthday.

He would always fly back to Texas for a week and celebrate both his mother's and fathers birthday since they were close to each other during the end of the month in July.

But he hasn't been able to celebrate that for two years now, and this year was the hardest since it was reality, both his parents were gone forever.

And to top all of this off, Lexi was still on his case about having children.

He would tell her to stop but she wouldn't listen, which almost always turned into a heated argument. They never argue, but when something would spark up then it would be big.

The arguments always ended with Tommy sleeping on the couch and Lexi getting very emotional. He had no idea what to do at this point, the depression was making his world spiral down.

It was time for him to take over and become the huge star he used to be, or leave.


Every night, Tommy would have these amazing dreams; a world where he wasn't depressed or sadness could take over.

Tommy was happy in these dreams and everything was great. But it was always the same dream almost every time they had a dispute.

Tommy's dream*

It was a dark, clear night under the stars in the backyard of his and Lexi's house. They were both outside, sitting on the big pouch couch in front of the fire pit.

The animals were inside besides Tommy's bulldog, he was sleeping next to them on the ground.

Tommy had a huge smile on his face, holding Lexi with one arm as she had her head resting on his shoulders.

She looked up at him, smiled and kissed him.

This is usually where the dream stops, he'd always wake up before it could end.. but not this time

Lexi and Tommy stopped kissing and she looked down, he then joined her on looking down and she was holding something that could change their lives; a baby.

Tommy's eyes widened and he sprung up from slumber as he looked around the lighted hotel room.

Lexi was already up and awake, standing in front of their bed getting clothes out as she saw him spring up.

Alexa: ...

Tommy: breaths a bit heavy*

She didn't have anything to say to him since they got into it last night and she was still clearly upset.

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