Double The Trouble

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Fast forward to the Friday before SummerSlam*

Tommy and Lexi have been spending more time with each other, but it always ends with him taking her home or her taking him home.

He remembered that she wanted them to take their relationship up to the next level by sleeping with each other.

They've only done that a couple times and that worried him as he thought that he was making her do something that she wasn't ready for the next step.

So now he was going to go slow with her now.

Friday morning*

Lexi drove up to his house and saw that the shades were still closed.

She was confused as he's usually up and awake by now, so she parked her car at the front and walked up to the door.

The door was unlocked and she was shocked on how he never goes to bed without locking the door.

So she peaked her head in and saw it was kinda dark but the glass sliding door had sun shining through.

Looking around a little and walked inside, she turned on the lights and saw that the living room was trashed, there were beer bottles everywhere, two ping pong tables; one set up and one broken.

She continued to walk around until she saw a body on the couch with a pillow covering the head.

Lexi walked to the front to see Tommy laying on the couch, passed out.

Alexa: How to wake him up?

She tried to call for Bruno but didn't know where he was, so Lexi picked up the pillow and bent down to his face.

As he was still sleeping, she started to run her fingers on his face until she tried to wake him up by shrugging his shoulders a little.

That woke him up a little and she smiled as he was probably hung over.

She thought that she could maybe talk sexy to him to see if that'll wake him up.

Alexa: wakey wakey baby..

Tommy: Mhm?

Alexa: It's Lexi, thought you could maybe.. help me with something, I need a strong man.

He then shot up, half awake with major bedhead and Lexi laughed as he closed his eyes and held his head.

Tommy: Ahh, wh-what time is it?

Alexa: Like nine.

Tommy: Uhg my head is killing me.

Lexi looked around to see that there looked to be a party that happend here.

Alexa: What happend here?

Tommy: Hang on, lemme wake up fully to see the damage.

He slowly got off the couch and looked at his five foot girlfriend just all smiles.

She went in for a kiss but he turned away, that offended her a little.

Alexa: Excuse me!?

Tommy: Trust me, you don't want to kiss me right now.

As he said that Tommy ran into the downstairs bathroom and slammed the door, Lexi could hear him throw up from the kitchen; that made her feel gross when he walked out and smiled at her.

Tommy: Ok, now I'm ready for out kiss.

She held up her hand to block him from getting near her.

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