well well well

17 3 7

UWU so i have a smart way of how to get out of telling someone your grade

p1: how'd you do?

you/me: good thanks, how do you do too?


okay so heres *tap tap* the motherducking *tap tap* tea

in tec (wood tec) medusa knows what I'm bout to say but.

in tec, everyone loses their logic and common sense and brain cells. medusa and i literally watch them fly away, but anyway medusa and i sit near this prostitot and her boyfriend or whatever and she asks a really dumb question to the whole class and [i can't remember what she said exactly] i say ''its...'' but change my mind and say ''you could figure it out yourself, you need the braincells'' or something like that and her friend says to me in her high pitched voice '' charlotte, that wasn't very nice'' and the prositot huffs and says ''i wasn't even asking you'' it was great

this part here is like wtf but who cares

Her usually bright eyes were pale and lifeless, she looked towards the window but was not looking through it, she was thinking to herself, she was as still as a corpse and didn't blink, not even when the butler came in. He was quite drawn to her and her composure, he stared at her, trying to figure her out all the while she was trying to grasp the concept of this unusual life. For it wasn't every day that this sort of undelightful inconvenience happened. No, not at all, the butler was waiting patiently for her to snap out of her trance, although he was quite intrigued and merely fascinated at how calm this girl was considering that to any normal person they would be running around like a madman or stress eating or possibly screaming frantically at the memory. Someone who isn't at all shaken up by this incident is bound to go to an asylum. The girl's mind was wandering, outweighing every possibility, the penalties that these actions may cause and how to deal with it. She stood there for over 30 minutes, she carefully weighed all her possibilities out and came to a conclusion but one question remained. Why me? 

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