A different POV for once!

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Patton's point of view

I looked at my alarm clock...


Why is it 7? I usually wake up at 6:30...

Well, anyway. I walked down stairs and see that there are two empty cereal bowls and one that hasn't been eaten. The cereal is my favourite and all soggy.
What a waste!

I see there are things left everywhere! Honestly I sleep in for 30 minutes and this is what I am left with.

I should ask Logan what happened...

That makes sense!

I go towards his room, odd... The house seems so quiet...

It is almost scary...

I knock on his door, and I hear him groan. He might not be properly awake yet.

"Roman! I told you to not bother me! I am busy!"

"Ermm, Kiddo, it is Patton here."
I call through the door.

It immediately opens.

"Salutations Patton, I see you have full recovered?"

What is he talking about? Did I get injured or something and not remember?


"Your nightmare. The one you had this morning!"

This morning...
But it is still the morning?

"But it is still the morning right?"

"Patton. It is 7:13 in the evening."

Oh my god! I missed a whole day sleeping! Even Virgil doesn't sleep for this long!

"Ok, have you had dinner yet?"
"No..." He goes quiet.

Of course. The second I leave, everything goes unit chaos. Well, I should make meatballs and spaghetti tonight. We have some spare meatballs and as there are only three people eating, there is enough.

"Ok, well, I have to continue with my work. Farewell Patton."

Then he shuts the door in my face. Rude...
I mean, I know he is busy but that is no reason to shut the door in my face. It hurt my nose as well!

I go to Roman's room and knock on the door. Weird...
He usually answers straight away. Or at least I can hear him singing or something. Maybe he is sleeping? Or he is quiet because Logan told him to be?


I knock again...      No reply...

I knock once more...      No reply...

I try and open the door. Phew! Unlocked!

He isn't there though. Maybe he is in the Mind Scape tracking down the snow pack of Dragon Witches. Or at least take down the witch in their group.

I look around for a note saying that he is going on a quest. He has done stuff like this before. Left randomly for a quest...

There it is! A note!

"Logan + Patton. I found a clue that says ROM = DANGER! I am afraid for my safety. I fear that the same people who took Virg will attack me as well. If you see this and I am missing. That future might be what I happening now!
- Roman"

There is another message underneath that.. It has different handwriting as well... The same as the one in the first note... I hope Roman is wrong...

"Afraid to say that Roman is correct...
-.. . / .--. .. -. -.-"

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