Chapter 2 Finding A Pup?

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Author note: sorry I didn't post any new chapters I'm going to now but I decided to name Andrew fox jasper because it sounded right and every shapeshifter will have a name for there animals sorry for this terrible authors note but you may continue on with the story.

'thinking in the mind or talking to the animal in them'

Andrew pov.

I have 2 week remaining and I was thinking of a waltz I played before. But right now I just want to go out in my fox form and run around in the forest. I know mom would allow me, I got jasper I've liking running in the forest. "Hey um mom can I go on a walk in the forest Jasper has been restless. so I was wondering if I can go out in my fox form and just run to calm him down." I said to my mom "Ok but be back before the sun goes down." she said sternly. "Ok. thank you. Come on Elie!" I called. I started walking with Elie towards the forest.

When we got there I shifted in to my fox form having my clothes change to fit my new small self. once I go into the forest I noticed some bear traps. 'that wasn't there before right Jasper?' I told jasper 'No it wasn't. isn't hunting illegal in this forest?' jasper said 'it is maybe the wolves put it up?' I said. As I was talking to jasper I heard a yelp of a wolf pup. I picked my head up to see which way it came from, as I was nearing the sound I could hear the pup trying to call for its parents. I see a wolf pup trapped in a bear trap. I unshift looking at the wolf I open up the trap after having some trouble, and see the wolf passed out cause of the pain. I tear my clothes to make fake bandages for the wolf to stop the bleeding. I tried to catch the scent of another wolf on the pup to try and get it to their family. Some time has passed and I found no scent of any other wolves which caused lots of questions to flood my mind. 'how did the pup get here?' 'is the pup a shifter?' and 'where is the pups family?' None got answered so I decided to take the pup home and take care of it. I go back to Elie who was guarding the pup and pick both of them up, I made my way home.

When I got home mother was asking me lots of questions like why do I have a wolf pup and that I should go put the pup in the forest due to wolf mothers being over protective of their pups. I told mom what happened and how I tried to find its pack but couldn't. The pup must be starving so I tried to find some food it could eat. As I got it food I kept an eye on it, and to Elie to keep me up to date if anything suspicious happens. I went to the living room and sat on the couch turning on the tv. I would need to practice the piano, but in a bit after the pup gets used to the new area its in.

An hour later, around 5 pm the usual time I practice we got a knock on the door. I go to answer it hiding the animal parts on my body, since I still don't like random people see me with my tail and ears. "Coming" I said as the knocking continue till I said something. I go to open the door only to notice that there is a wolf shifter on the porch. "What do you owe to visit the residence of the silver residence." I said to the average size wolf. "A pup." he said very rudely, "O-oh yeah I'm guessing the wolf pup is form your pack." I said trying to keep myself together since this is my first time talking to a wolf shifter. "Yes and we are looking for him and his scent led here." the 6 ft wolf shifter said. I go to get the wolf only to find it cowering behind Elie. "Why is he sacred of you?" I questioned him. "that is none of your business fox." he answered. "I know that you cant step into my moms house without permission form the alpha so I demand to speak to him." I said back. He took out his phone and went to dial a number he put it on speaker so I can talk to him. "Alpha Alexander Garnet speaking." the phone responded. "Hi Mr. Garnet one of your wolf form your pack came to my house to pick up the pup I found and before I gave the pup to your man, it was cowering near my friend. I ask why it was scared of him and he answer rudely I mind you that it was "none of your business" and I quote." I told him. "I apologize for the behavior of one of my pack members I will personally see that he gets punished for this. I will also pick up the wolf. my I get your address?" Alpha Garnet said. "Of course." I told him my address and that I'll see him in 15 min. "I will see you later also Barry get back here." and the call ended like that and the wolf named Barry left.

As I wait for Alexander to come I picked up the wolf and tried to make it feel protected. "I wont let anything happen to you while you are here." I said as I cuddled it. It stopped shivering and went to take a nap. 15 minutes passed a the door bell rang. I put the pup on the couch. I hid my ears and tail again. "Hello welcome to the silver residence what business do you have with us." I said politely. He just stood there with a creepy smile that made me shiver not in a good way and he smiled even more. "I came to pick up the pup, my lil fox." he said seductively. It did not work even I could smell his arousal but it didn't effect me. "Ah yes let me go get him." He tried to enter the house but Elie nipped at him saying another stepped and he will get killed. I gave the pup back to him but not before giving him a threat. "You better treat this and all your other pups well Alpha Garnet. If not the I will come down and steal your pups away to take care of them." I said. He just smiled and I thought it couldn't be more creepy but it was even more then before. "Of course don't worry I wont let that ever happen I promise you my lil fox." he said. again with the lil fox I might be 5'6 but that doesn't mean I'm small. "Ok what ever just giving you a heads up "I closed the door in front of him. That guy was weird.

So sorry I totally forgot about this story hopefully this chapter was good as usual please tell me any mistakes and don't forget to criticize me also please comment it brings me joy to see what y'all think of this.

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