Chapter 2.5 Worst Gift Ever

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Andrew POV

A week has passed since I meet Alexander, today is my birthday but I haven't seen my mom. I know she works especially since she has to support me and her but I didn't even get a happy birthday or a note saying that she acknowledged that I can find my mate. Nobody came to the house so I just played games. it was 3 pm and mom still isn't home, well I guess I can go to the woods it shouldn't take that long. "Hey Elie wanna go run through the forest?" she looked at me with her tail wagging. I started to put some shoes on when the door opened. I thought it was mom. "Hey mom! I was about to go for a run in the forest." I said still putting on my shoes. when I looked to see my mom I found that it was Alexander. "Hey my lil vixen. so your going for a run, may I come." His smile is still psychotic. "why are you in my house! get out or I'll call the police they wont care if your an alpha or not they will arrest you so get out of my house," I said "and I'm not a female horny dog. I thought alphas only go after their mate why are you going after me?" I questioned. "Don't you see you are my mate." He looked directly into my eyes and I know he was telling the truth but I still didn't feel whole. "Do you have another mate?" He looked dumbfounded but he shook his head no. "Well I'm sorry but I think you got the wrong person because I still feel nothing. Now get out!" I said. "But you are my mate here I'll show you." He tried to touch me but I pulled back. "Don't touch me." I'm not going to let a psycho looking alpha touch me. " You see you even know that we're mates or you wouldn't have backup." I seriously hate him right now for being correct.
"PS you may not run with me." I said after some time has passed, and I left through the front door. Great I check my phone to see that the weather has changed and would rain in a hour. I still went on the run but came back a little wet, I went through the back and went to my room to get dry and a new pair of clothes. And when I came back I saw Andrew having a small talk with my mom. "Hey what are y'all talking about?" My mother was the first to respond. "We were just talking about how cute you were when you were young." "I'm eighteen mom I'm still young." "Also I got you something." I guess mom didn't forget my birthday was today. "Here you go." I was dumbfounded it was pictures of me when I was a kid. From when I was a normal human being to a fox shifter with ears and tail as a human. We end school at sixteen but start it at the age of four. I guess she did forget that today was my birthday. I just went to the kitchen and saw a cake for me. Ok mom stop giving me mix feelings. I found that Alexander was standing behind me. "Why are you still here man can you please leave and give me personal space." Next thing I know I have a bag and my mom waving good bye to me. "What is happening!" I asked rushed since this is happening so fast like I was only gone for an hour. "I was planning on stealing you at the end of the night but I got your mother's blessing to take you on one condition." "What was the condition?" " I have to take you to the king's party then I can keep you all to myself and none else." He said. Yep he is officially psychotic. "I already told you I don't feel whole with you so your not my mate. Unless you know we have another mate that you have yet to meet." I tried to convince him. "Nope I have no clue but if we do have another mate I will also whisk them away to keep you and this other person safe and I'm the only one that will see both of you." Possieve much man wolves are very confusing on what a mate is. By the end of the night I went on my bed to sleep. when I was asleep I felt someone pick me up i open my eyes a little to see me get put in a car to go somewhere else. He wasn't kidding when he was going to take me but still this suck. We arrive and I woke up half way through the car ride. Well mom it was nice knowing you, hello happy prison even though it was a nice looking cabin. Wolves are social but they also like privacy so they each have a cabin like a neighborhood. He picked me up placed me on the bed, and cuddled me right next to me ill pick Elie up tomorrow right now I rest. He took off my lil hat and let my tail free. He just touch them and said nice things till sleep took us.
Well that happened you know what to do criticism is key to becoming a better person. Tho don't say kill yourself cause that is not criticism that is just rude to say on someone unless they truly deserves it. Still don't wish it upon them . Have a great day and see ya later. Might have a QnA if people actually comment.

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