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Tensely, Irena paces back and forth at Alex's side in the midst of a small group of lightly armed people. They cornered one of Jerchio's senior officers just outside of a cage on the Millennium Trader's ship but still, he won't stand down. One of his hands hovers just above the unlock pad of a fellow officer. The other holds a laser with which he tracks Irena's every movement occasionally, twitching to point it at others. People in both parties have injuries. Alex's leg is wrapped in a bandage, Irena's torso is wrapped haphazardly, she appears tired, her veins bulge, the Officer has a long slice down the side of his jaw.

Alex steps forward, limping slightly. His hand twitches to point at her.

"We don't have to put you in a cell."

"But you want to."

Alex calmly responds, "I think you're projecting. We've made deals with others. We can make one with you as well."

"I don't make deals with traitors and mutineers."

A heavy-set woman steps in, "If you ever looked at your catalog, you'd know that most of us are refugees!"

He scowls. His hand gets more jittery. He starts to move the hand near the unlock pad.

A shot is fired from Alex's party. They miss. He returns fire and opens the door. Irena leaps past the crowd, her rows upon rows of teeth exposed. He stops a small bit of fear getting to him. Irena swings her legs forward ready to kick them both in the cage when subordinate drags the officer out of the way. Irena lands on her back.

The officers start on the run.

Alex yells, "Who fired that? Never mind. Go."

Her party cases them through the corridors. Alex stays behind and leans against the wall. She checks in the cage. Irena hasn't gotten up. Alex hobbles over.

"Are you ok?"

Alex bends down beside her with a mild groan. Irena turns over on to her stomach and pushes herself up. Alex holds out her hand to her. Irena doesn't react to it.

Alex touches her shoulder. Irena starts vomiting a dark grey liquid.

Alex jerks her hand away and forms her hands into fists. Irena barely meets her gaze. She transforms into her natural state.

Alex takes a large gulp. Quickly, she has Irena lay down on her side in recovery position. She takes off her own jacket and lays it over her shoulders.

"I'm gonna find a doctor. It's going to be ok."

She springs up and runs over to the ship's intercom and dials the control room.

When someone picks up on the other end she inquires, "How far are we from Munkar?"

"4 light-years."

"Could you reroute?"

"Um, what?"

"We have a seriously injured passenger. She is a newly discovered exotic creature."

"We have multiple of those. You should -"

The voice cuts off and she hears some distant arguing over the intercom.

Now it's Sariel's voice coming through, "What's a matter, Alex?"

"Irena is vomiting up grey. She won't get up. I don't think I've ever seen her stop moving before."

"You didn't accidentally kill her, did you?"

"That's not funny."

"It wasn't a joke. Look, we've already negotiated with the ship's medic. Go to him."

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