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It is 5 am in Sandiego spaceport Irena paces in energetic circles around Alex and Sariel. who have dark circles under their eyes. Sariel had woken up at 3 am to get there Alex and Irena never went to sleep. They wait near the beginning of an endlessly long line. People lean on their luggage, play extended reality games or talk around them in various languages to pass the time. Irena quietly repeats their words to herself. She nudges Alex every few minutes to get her to explain what they mean.

Without looking up from her OneWarp Alex responds, "I don't know."

She trips over the seam of her long, loose fitting dress and nearly tumbles. She is wearing a khimar to blend in. Irena holds back a growl. Some people look over but continue about their business when she gets up. Irena paces faster than normal.

"Want I leave."

"No," They reply in union.

Alex doesn't even look up instead she intently furrows her brow at her phone. Irena goes about staring at the humans with disinterest until a woman, about 40 Earth years old, glances around. There is something strange about her scent, the way her movements are clipped and agitated. The woman turns away and walks off in another direction accompanied by a man. Irena looks up and down the line. Sariel looks over Alex's shoulder.

He taps her arm, "Hey the interview is coming up soon it's time to finish up."

Alex furrows her brow, "I almost have it!"

Sariel rolls his eyes and pat her head. Another OneWarp goes off in Alex's pocket. Sariel pulls it out and answers the text from Bob.

Irena quietly slips off after the woman. She slinks behind corners and keeps to the shadows as she trails the two. The man wearing a tool belt down and janitor's uniform pulls her down a maintenance corridor. Then through a door to the outside.

Irena stops at the door her face drops and she looks behind her. But, Irena peaks through the small rectangular window on top of the door. No one but the two people and a few flies are by the garbage bins. The woman clutches her hands to her chest. He holds a common flash light like a weapon at the woman.

"Miss Sayavong could I see your report?"


"You know which one."

"No," she leans forward.

Irena's ears twitch.

"How about the one you just sent off to the damn company."

"I can't do that."


The line moves up. Sariel taps Alex on the shoulder, "Now, Alex."

Alex gives a mildly frustrated sigh and looks up from her OneWarp. She slowly puts it in her pocket net to a hard drive and glances around.

"Where's Irena?"

Sariel is suddenly rigid he scans the room. Alex takes the OneWarp from him and Bob.

Is Irena with you?

He responds, no?

"Oh crap."


"I'm not going to let you deface my home."

"Mars isn't your home anymore. Earth is. I know it may be hard for you to hear. But it's not coming back."

"You don't get to stamp on its grave and destroy its memory!"

"My company has been taking care to preserve as many of the old buildings as possible. We will not disturb them. They will serve as a memory for thousands of years more."

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