chapter one

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georgia, present time

I was at a table in what seemed like the visiting area for the cells. Rick, Daryl and the rest of his group were surrounding me, anticipating my story. They all had looks of both confusion and impressiveness. They all want to know how a sixteen year old managed to survive out in the dangerous world we now live in. Well if they wanted a story, I was going to give them one.

"Maggie said you were with another group, what happened to them?" Rick was the first to ask breaking the tension.

"I left them."

"Why?" Maggie spoke up.

"I needed to get away. There were too many reminders of chr-. I just had to start over."

"Kind of hard to start over in a world like this." Daryl said.

"Hard but not impossible."

"Where did you come from?"

"The border."

"The Canadian?" A man standing next to Maggie speaks up


"You mean to tell me you walked over fourteen hundred miles" Rick said.

"I drove for a thousand until my car's engine finally gave out."

"What was so bad about your old group that you needed to leave?" A boy who looks to be about fourteen asks me.

I sighed looking around at the group of strangers in front of me, all awaiting my answer. No matter what I did, how far I ran, I couldn't escape my past. I had to face, get it out there.

Alright, here goes nothing

"Look, it'll be better if I just start from the beginning."


los angeles, two years ago

Chris and I met when our mothers created a study group for their upcoming exam. They were both studying to become nurses and figured that we would enjoy each other's company while they were busy focusing on their future careers.

"Ariana please. Just this one night. I really hate leaving you here by yourself."

"Mom, I really don't like when you try to play matchmaker with one of your friends. Besides you know I like to keep to myself."

"Oh come on. It won't be that bad."

"Yo no se, ma"

"I'll take you to get ice cream after"

"I'm not a kid anymore, you can't bribe me with ice cream."

"Really? Not even for cookie dough and cookies & cream mixed together?"


When mom and I walked in, I immediately recognized him. It was hard not to when your crush is standing right in front of you and you're forced to gain the courage to talk to him.

"Hey, I'm Ariana."


We sat in silence staring blankly at the screen in front of us, I was twiddling my thumbs and Chris was tapping his foot at a fast pace. I swear I could hear my heart pounding in my chest, taking a casual glance in Chris's direction to see his eyes still focused on the screen, then darting back to the television. Chris leaned forward and turned the TV off.

"Sorry, show was getting kind of boring."

"I agree"

"You go to St.George's too, right?"

"Yeah I just transferred this year."

"Nice. Where from?"

"From BH High"

"So why did you transfer?"

"My mom thought it would be good for us to try out a different area here."

"What does your dad do?"

"Uhm, he's really not in the picture."

"Oh, I- I'm really sorry- I didn't-"

"It's okay, Chris. You didn't know." I said with a reassuring smile.

Chris and I talked for what seemed like forever. By the time our mom's had walked back in we were both passed out with my head resting on his shoulder. A smile made it's way to both of our mom's as they looked at their two children who seemed to definitely gotten along so well during their "study session."


Over the next year, Chris and I spent almost everyday with each other. Whether it be with or without our moms. We never grew tired of each other. Cliche as it sounds I don't know what it was but I just felt myself falling for him and I couldn't stop. I always hated getting attached to people because the end result was always them leaving with no warning or explanation. That being said I spent most of my childhood alone and the only person I could ever rely on was my mom. However, I felt safe with Chris, I felt loved and I felt complete. Yet that too blew up in my face.

He finally asked me out nine months after we had met and our first date was the homecoming dance. We were both so nervous but easily found comfort with one another through the night. Our second date was a walk at Griffith Park, I had never been and Chris suggested it because the view was breathtaking. And every date after was filled with exploration and fun. The night of our seventh date was when he finally asked.

"I love being at the beach so much. There's just something about the waves crashing, and the light breeze flowing through my hair that makes this place so relaxing." I said looking over at Chris

"What are you staring at?"


"Why creep?" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm trying to be romantic here."

"I'm kidding, but I'm also flattered. You know the view I'm looking at isn't so bad either."

"I'm also trying to find a way to ask you something."

"And what would that be Manawa."

"Well I wanted to know if you wanted to make us, you know, like.."



"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I felt the heat rush to my cheeks and smile creeping onto my face.

"Yeah. Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to." We both smiled.

We slowly leaned into one another until our lips met. Everything in this moment felt so right and perfect that I didn't want it to end. August 14th at 12 AM a midnight memory was made. One that would be cherished in my heart forever.

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