Chapter 1

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   Fairies and mermaids, the first thing that comes to mind is beautiful and enchanting creatures of the land. They are depicted to be full of magic and mystery from the fairy tales and stories written in countless books. But what if I told you they're not? Indeed they hold beauty and magic, but deep within, they are the monsters of the dark who takes whatever they please, whatever the cost. 

     "Hurry up, peasant! I'm gonna be late for my English class!" roared my "master", Lana as she and her friends hovered a few feet away from me, their wings flapping rapidly to keep them afloat. Both her friends had their arms crossed and Lana had hers placed in her hips, all of them furiously looking down on me.
I jogged to catch up to them, some of their books in both my hands. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking about-"

     "Who cares? we're feeding you and letting you live in our house and for what, for you to slack off? do you want me to fail and have me tell my father about this?" She cut me off, her hands now folding in front of her chest, just like her friends behind her. I lowered my head and apologized once again, earning a click of her tongue before turning towards the chemistry room. Her friends trailed behind her but not before giving me a disgusted look and an eye roll. I heaved a sigh and followed on foot.

     "Welcome to Royale High, Azora." I mumbled to myself as we made our way towards our next class. I'm considered one of those "special humans" since I'm allowed to be in class with Lana. I can learn with them but I'm not given any grades or allowed in any activities. I guess it is a privilege to be able to attend this school since humans are now forbidden to enter a school as a student. 

     And believe it or not, I was supposed to attend Royale High before the mystical creatures came to our world. It used to be a prestigious school intended for the royal blood even from far away lands, now it's only for the fairies and merfolk.

     As we entered the classroom, we are greeted by the chaos of the different creatures that are technically the students of this school. Fairies chasing each other around, others throwing paper or whatever they can get a hold, arguing, loud conversations, etc. They look like children from kindergarten when the teacher is not around. I heaved another sigh as I then saw other humans in the room who are so tired of the scene before them just like I do, and I just arrived unlike them.

     "Ugh, this class is so barbaric." Lana pointed out

     "Tell me about it. I hate to say it but I think they're even worse than the humans." spoke Roxy as she folded her arms once again, looking ridiculously at the scene before her.

     "Can't wait 'till this class is over then I can go shopping for new shoes." sighed Ava.

Just then, the double doors behind us opened, the sound echoing through the walls of the room. It was loud, but wasn't loud enough for the students to stop and turn to see what has caused the noise. A male with bright glowing blue wings passed by us, gritting his teeth as he stomped towards the center of the room. He extended out his right hand that made everything and everyone freeze in place. A guardian.

     "Thank you, Adam. My apologies for the trouble. You can return to your training now." a voice spoke beside me that made me jump. It was Professor Isla. She casually readjusted her glasses, not minding the fact that I was a human standing beside her. Or is it that she doesn't know I'm here?

     The guardian, Adam then lowered his hand and everything that was floating fell to the ground abruptly, even the students who were flying earlier face planted to the floor. He fixed his white suit of a uniform and turned to leave, looking at everyone behind him and seemingly stopping when he saw me. I blinked several times, confused as he stared at me for a few seconds before he proceeded to exit the room, not a single word spoken. Weird.

     "Everybody clean this mess or you're all stuck in detention." the professor spoke loudly for everyone to hear, walking towards the front of the room to start the class. And so the fairies and merfolk ordered their servants to do their work, like they always do.

     "Well, you heard her. Clean this up." Lana and her friends just casually walked towards their seat at the front of the class, even bumping a human who was picking up scattered books on the floor. The boy fell back, the books he was holding flew around him and some landing on his head. Snickers was heard and I sighed, walking towards Lana's desk to place their books down then approaching the boy to help.

     I picked up the books that scattered around him and placed it in a stack, he did the same. "Sorry about that." I just said as I handed him the books, not having any other explanation for the fairy's behavior. 

     He sighed as he took them and placing them on top of the ones he gathered. "It's not your fault. Besides, I'm used to it."

     He stood up and went to the desk of the mermaid he serves. The professor then called out to us so the class would finally begin. The human servants have a place in every class in RH, however we are not provided with seats so we stand behind everyone until the class is over. I stood up and headed for the tables behind the class, every human in the room doing the same. And there we stood for what seems like hours, some of us feeling the weight of their own body too much to be able to stay in place. I frowned as I clenched my fists behind my back. At least I'm not suffering as much as the other humans out there does...


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