Please read the whole intro. If you are not looking for a religious book, don't stop reading, this isn't one. The intro plays into the story.
"There are many religions out there, and you have to wonder, which one/ones (if any) are real? The ancient greeks? The Mayans? The Romans? The Buddhists? The truth is.......technically, none of them are real (in this book), and yet, they are. They are believed and followed by billions of humans all throughout the world. I know the truth about how these religions came to be. I am not calling out religions and calling them lies. As I said before, they are very much true. They are believed to be real, and so they are. If you believe it is real, then it is. Just one question........Do you dragons?"
Long ago, in a world where nothing was beyond belief, there were dragons. not bulbous and humanoid as people today portray them. They were large, ferocious things, capable of destroying an entire village in a matter of seconds. These beasts, however did not have a capacity for evil. They protected all living things, and would sacrifice themselves to save the innocent. until one day, a threat arose with the power to turn dragons toward the darkness, An unlikely group of warriors rose up and fought against the threat. In the final moments of his life, I rose in power tenfold, slaying the dark one and sending him to Otherrealm, a world created by my mentor, Brutus. Unfortunatly, our world was not ready for dragons, and so we who so carried the power of Dragonheart led the dragons to Otherrealm. We built citys and homes for the dragons. Six dragons gave up their lives to become something more. These dragons are the Staffs of Old, Forged so that one day, When the Dark One's spirit arises once more, six new heros may take up arms and fight for the good of our worlds. That day seams to have come, i can sense new life forms in my presence. i lay dormant until our new heros can find me and release me.