Glade is born(carter)

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Jacob saw Leon get surrounded by smoke. He took on both of the demons so that i could help him. They were too powerful though, they started to overtake him. Carter I could use some help over here!he yelled. That's when truth rang in my's heart. I WAS one of the five, Leon was more than an ally though, he was a freind, a brother.i felt a surge of power run through my heart, fire flowing through my veins. I went into  a sort of rage mode, the world was tinted  red. I leaped at the demons and smashed them into the ground, they evaporated into smoke. Dude what happened to you? Asked jacob. What do you mean? I asked.dude your eyes....he said...they're glowing deep red with fire coming from them, and you were surrounded by fire. I wasn't going to let them hurt you, I said, they already hurt Leon... Glade, that is, Said a deep, brave voice, my name is  Glade. Leon!I said, your ok! Yes I am,  but as I said, my name is Glade. I'm a fusion of the ancestor he was holding, and the dragon that was turned dark by the dark one. And I know what just happened, truth rang in your heart. You now know how ruthless the dark one really is. You let out your inner fire. That will happen to each of the warriors, and once it  does, you can open the secret vault in the dragon temple, and receive your elemental weapons, the sword of the flames being the main one, but each person will have their own weapon of their own element. Now I will revert back to your freind leon, if you ever need my help again, Leon can call upon me at any time. Wait! I said. Yes,carter? He do you know all this? I asked. I've been on this earth before,he said,I was human just like you. I was the first to  thwart the dark one, I forged the sword of the flames. My family lives on in  you carter. Remember, you five are dragonheart. That is not given to just anyone. And then he was gone.

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