Chapter 1: SKYLAR

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Chapter 1: Skylar

Beep...Beep...Beep! I groaned as I heard my alarm go off. It can’t be Monday already! Yesterday was Saturday right? As I roll out of bed, I check my phone, and I see Kaya texted me. It read, “Hey Skylar, happy day before your 14th birthday!” Kaya was obsessed with birthdays. She had been sending me these texts since one month ago!


“Skylar! Waffles are ready, dear!” I heard my mom call from downstairs.


“Thanks Mom. I will be right down!” I called back.


I quickly threw on a pair of skinny jeans and my daisy sweater, and put my long brown hair in a french-braid. As I ran down the stairs, it sounded like a musical. My ears were filled with a chorus of stairs creaking and floorboards groaning. This house was over 40 years old, and my family had been living in it ever since my mom bought it 20 years ago. I slide into the kitchen on my fluffy, coral socks as I  grab a few waffles off the top of the stack. When I sit down in my favorite chair, I glance around at my surroundings. The kitchen and dining rooms are my favorite rooms in the house. Everything in these two rooms, and in most of the house, was bright, colorful. They had vivid colors in them, but still felt warm and cozy.


I smile as I finish eating and check the time. As I stare at the long hands of the clock, my eyes widen as I realize that if I don’t hurry up, I am going to be late, once again. I throw my dish into the sink and head up to my room. My room is one of my hideouts in the house. My mom is pregnant, so I have spent the past couple of weeks deciding where my hideouts were going to be as the baby ages. I decided my room was going to be the best solution. As I look for my backpack, the sky blue walls reflect off the big wall mirror that is the door to my closet. All I want to do is relax again on my soft white bed. My bed is probably my favorite item ever, besides my phone. It has all the throw pillows that I have collected over the years, along with the softest sheets and duvet covers. I look under my bed and grab my backpack, which is overflowing with the pencils and pens I have stuffed there.

“The bus is almost here!” my mom calls from the bottom of the stairs.


I run downstairs, slip on my navy blue converse, and rush out the door. From behind me I hear my mom calling.


“Have a nice day! Your father will be picking you up!”


“Thanks mom!” I call back. “Love you!”


I hear the bus pull up, and I break into a sprint. I can’t believe I managed to catch it, I think. I find Kaya and immediately take my seat right next to her.


“Girl, I had the most boring weekend ever!” she whispers.


“How is that humanly possible?” I whisper back. “You are usually off in Paris or something crazy  like that with your dad.”


“I know,” she says, “But this time he decided to go on his own or something.”


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