Chapter 3: SKYLAR

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Chapter 3: Skylar


I awake to the deafening sound of a helicopter. Without realizing it, my arms tighten around Ashton, who surprisingly hasn’t moved from last night’s events. My eyes are still halfway closed as I feel him pick me up and begin to carry me. I want to ask if we should take down camp, but I am too tired to open my mouth.

Ashton walks for around 5 minutes and I am pretty sure we are walking to the helicopter, but I have already closed my eyes, and they feel too heavy to open. I am certain it is still night, for all I hear are the occasional owl. No birds chirping, and no animals scurrying.

He stops walking so I assume we have reached it. I hear him talking with someone, but I really don’t want to open my eyes. I can feel his grip on me tighten, and my heart begins to literally beat out of my chest.

I open my eyes as I am set down. As my eyes adjust, I realize I am in a helicopter. How perfectly swell. I see Ashton still standing outside the chopper. He better be coming with because I am not leaving this clearing without him. He is literally the only person I know that still remembers who I am. I straighten up in my seat, slightly more tense than I was before.

Relief flows through me as I watch Ashton climb into the chopper. I may have only just met him, but almost nobody else knows who I am.

He puts his arm around my shoulder, and I rest my head against his chest. I can hear his heartbeat as I begin to fall asleep. My last thoughts before I fall asleep are, I should probably ask where we are going. Wow. I am such a thoughtful person, I think. I take one last look at the sea green eyes that are slowly closing, and fall asleep.

I awake for the second time that night, except this time to a person, not a chopper. I hear Ashton calling my name. I can feel his soft breath against my skin and get a weird tingling sensation. I turn my head and almost have a heart attack. We are literally an inch apart. I pull away quickly, suddenly wide awake, and stare into his eyes. I turn my head, not wanting it to be more awkward. I gaze around and decide the window is my best option.

Outside, at the moment, there is nothing really to look at because it is so dark. I turn my head back, and I find Ashton staring at me. I smile slightly, but I can tell I am blushing. I glance out, and I can see the dark forms of what I assume to be the Island. Even in the darkness, it looks impressive.

We finally reach the ground, and I am eager to stretch my legs. I sit there though, because I really don’t want to get in trouble on my first night here. I not only wanted to get out of this chopper, I also wanted to see the time. Whatever it was, I am pretty sure I will still want to be sleeping.

I see Ashton exit the chopper, so I am hoping it will be okay if I do to. I slowly open my door to find myself looking at a meadow. As my eyes adjust, I see how beautiful the meadow probably is during the daytime.

I want to take it all in, but I see someone come out the front door.

“Hello,” he says gruffly. “You can call me The Head. I am the one who runs Saviors Academy.”

Wow. He seems perky. “Hello.” I reply politely. “You probably already know, but my name is Skylar Johnson.”

“Yes, we have been keeping a close eye on you.” he says shortly

Well, that is awesome possum...not! Gosh, have I been stalked this entire time! I shrug it off and nod respectfully. Ashton finally comes over and I step back, hoping they will talk.

“Her powers should start to present themselves in as little 25 minutes.” The Head says.

“Yes sir.” Ashton replies. “Should we try to get her to the Academy building?”

The Head nods, so we begin walking. As we walk, I try not to look at either of them, but it is hard considering they are both looking at me. I finally give in and decide that it is time to interrogate.

“Can I ask something?” I say.

They both look surprised, but The Head nods his approval.

“What are these powers and abilities you both keep talking about?” I inquire.

The Head waves off Ashton, who was about to answer the question. “I will explain this one.” he says. “Your powers, as you call them, are special abilities that present themselves on your 14th birthday.”

No wonder I hadn’t gotten them.

“They arrive at some point on the day of your 14th birthday, at least your main abilities do. After that, you continue to gain smaller abilities that go along with your main ones.” he continues.

“ what time is it again?” I ask.

He looks at his watch. “11:50 PM.”

After a little longer, we get to the Academy. I don’t know what time it is now, but I do know I am exhausted. We walk down a flight of stairs and Ashton ushers me into what I assume is the testing room. I look back at the door, and Ashton is still standing outside.

“Aren’t you coming?” I ask, feeling nervous again.

He shakes his head and tells me he will be in the room behind the window. I nod, to tired to protest and he shuts the huge door. I look around at the room. My eyes focus on the bed and I decide that I need to rest.

I wake up a little later and walk around. Ashton isn’t sitting behind the window where he said he would be, but everything has been okay so far.

I sit down and stare at The Head, who is observing me through the window. I feel like a caged animal. I craved freedom. The minute I thought about freedom, a sharp pain shoots through my head. I call out for help except my mouth doesn’t move. Ashton, I say faintly. I need you. I collapse on the floor, my hands cupping my face as I try to stop the tears from rolling down my face. I can’t stop them from coming.

I hear the door open, and I hope it is Ashton. I look up, and thankfully it is him. I manage to get out a few words. Ashton, I need you. He answered, and asked me to try and converse with the Head like I had just done, but how did I do it. I closed my eyes and tried to talk to him. Nothing.

Another sharp pain shoots through my head, this one worse than the last. I cried out, unable to handle it. I feel Ashton grab onto me as he cries out as well. I shut my eyes.

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