Chapter 6: ASHTON

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Chapter 6: Ashton

Instantly, the pain subsided. I grabbed on to Skylar tighter, and then opened my eyes.


We weren’t in the testing room anymore. I didn’t know where we were. It was a blank expanse of white.


It could use a little color,  I thought.


Skylar looked at me and smiled. Yeah, I heard her think, like sky blue. There was a flash, and then everything was sky blue. I looked at Skylar, and she looked just as confused.


I had an idea. I wish there was a chocolate bar, I thought. Instantly, one appeared beside me.


Skylar, I thought. I-I think we are in our minds.


What, I heard her reply. How is that possible?


I’m not sure, I thought. I-I’ve never heard of anything like it before. Then again, I’ve never heard of only two people being able to communicate telepathically, but only with each other.


This didn’t seem to comfort her any. How do we go back?


I didn’t want to say I don’t know again, so I thought of a random idea. Well, we felt that pain and then touched each other to get here, so maybe if we think of that pain, and imagine it to be real, we can get back.


She shrugged her shoulders and said I guess it is worth a shot. Though, if this is our imagination, can we just imagine ourselves back?


Let’s try it, I said. Might as well do that before we have to experience that pain again. Ok, so I will count down from three, and then imagine we are back. 3…, 2…., 1…


I imagined that I was back, and I woke up in a bright white room. At first, I thought we were back in that white place, but once my visioned cleared, I saw that we were in the Academy’s hospital.


I looked over, and saw Skylar just waking up as well.  I blinked a few times and then sat up. Skylar was doing the same.


The nurse looked very startled to see us awake, and then she left, I assume to radio the head. I looked down, and saw that our hands were still intertwined.


Looking into Skylar’s face, I saw that she was very, very confused, and even a little scared. I could tell that much from how tightly she was grasping onto my hand.


I pulled away from her grasp, and she looked very startled, and a little mad at me. That went away, however, when I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and closed the gap between us.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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