Chapter 5: SKYLAR

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Chapter 5: Skylar 

I hear the door open, and I hope it is Ashton. I look up, and thankfully it is him. I manage to get out a few words. Ashton, I need you. He answered, and asked me to try and converse with the Head like I had just done, but how did I do it. I closed my eyes and tried to talk to him. Nothing.

Another sharp pain shoots through my head, this one worse than the last. I cried out, unable to handle it. I feel Ashton grab onto me as he cries out as well. I shut my eyes.

When I open them, we aren’t in the training room anymore. It was completely white. I hear Ashton wonder about how it could use some color. Yeah, I agree. Like sky blue, I smile. Everything suddenly turns sky blue.

I hear Ashton wish for a chocolate bar, and there it was.

Skylar, I hear Ashton think, I-I think we are in our minds.

What? How is that possible? I reply.

I’m not sure, Ashton thought. I-I’ve never heard of anything like it before. Then again, I’ve never heard of only two people being able to communicate telepathically, but only with each other.

This didn’t make me feel any better. How do we go back? I asked.

Ashton hesitated for a second, and then thought Well, we felt that pain and then touched each other to get here, so maybe if we think of that pain, and imagine it to be real, we can get back.

I shrugged my shoulders, not really wanting to go through with that pain again.  I guess it is worth a shot, I thought. Though, if this is our imagination, can we just imagine ourselves back?

Ashton agreed, and then said we should count down from three, and then follow through with the plan. I sucked in a deep breath, and then heard Ashton begin the countdown.

3…, 2…, 1…,

Suddenly, there was a large flash of white light, and everything went black.

Almost immediately, or at least thats what it felt like, I woke up and tried to sit up. I look over and see Ashton doing the same. Looking around, I stop when I see we are still holding hands.

Ashton suddenly pulls his hand away. I am confused, but don’t question it. I mean we only met two days ago. He then, puts his arms around my shoulders and pulls me into him.

It’s ok, he tells me telepathically, Everything’s going to be fine.

I lay my head on his chest, but then hear footsteps coming. Ashton pulls away, and I know it must be someone important. Probably Mr. Head guy.

The Head comes in and, to be honest, I don’t think I want to know what that guy is thinking. He starts to tell off Ashton, and I want to tell him it is my fault, but I know he will not listen. He also tells us it is 9 AM already. That means it is my birthday! Too bad I am here getting shooting head pains in a hospital bed. That is crazy. We had been out forever.

The Head tells us we need to head back to the abilities room before anything else happens. I begin to stand but I am shaky and dizzy. Ashton comes over and tells me he will help. He picks me up, and we head to the abilities room.

Once we get to the abilities room, Ashton sets me on the little bed in there. The Head tells him to leave, but he is reluctant.

He finally relents when I convince him I will be fine.

Once Ashton heads upstairs, I watch him take a seat, and then I hear him.

Skylar? he asked Can you hear me?

Yeah, yeah I can hear you! Stop screaming! I reply, and I hear him laugh at me.

A-are you okay down there? he asks.

Yes Ash. I reply. Now be creative and think of something fun. It is boring down here.

He stays silent and I know I said something wrong. Oh, sorry. I will call you Ashton. I say, extremely embarrassed. Why, oh why, did I think we were suddenly on nickname terms?

No, no, it’s ok. I actually kind of like it. Not as serious and formal as Ashton. he smiled. Can I call you Sky?

I look up at him through the glass window. Nobody’s called me that before. But yeah, I like it, so sure.

Ok, Sky, he says, overemphasizing my new nickname..

Ok, Ash, I think back the same way he did. We both smile.

An hour of utter nothingness passes, and I am beginning to think that maybe I don’t have anymore powers. I mean, when I say utter nothingness, I mean it has come to me playing with my hands, and playing mental I spy with Ashton.

I give up on I spy, and now I am just playing with my hands. I move them in intricate patterns, I try to spell my name in the air. Nothing. The Head even looks like he is giving up on me. I wave my hand with a flourish one last time and a gust of air blows through the room and picks me up, if you could even call it that.

I start to kinda freak out, so I keep moving my hands in the direction I want to go. I laugh. I have always wanted to fly! I soar around the room, not even bothering to glance up at Ash and the Head. At this point, I don’t care. I fly around and pretend I am an eagle.

When I finally touch the ground again, I feel amazing. I look up at The Head who looks almost impressed. I sit back down again, ready to wait for however long it takes until my other power comes. After lying about for what feels like hours, I gaze around the room and notice some bowls with different elements in them. I walk over to the table and begin to stir my hand around in the dirt. This is the most boring thing I have ever done, I conclude. I move to the next bowl. Water. Before I even touch the stupid bowl, water shoots into my face. Wow. This is great. I look up at the observation window and I can see Ashton snickering. We will see how funny it is when he is the one with water in his face.

SOOOO HEYY!! Sorry we haven't updatede in like, forever. We have been super busy and yeah sorry. We will be doing a lot of updates this week so I hope you guys enjoy!! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow us! We love you people!!                                                                                Violet :)

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