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After freshening up, Hoseok drags Jungkook and myself to a brightly lit restaurant. The furnishings were shades of red, orange, and brown, conveying a welcoming vibe. A host leads us to a booth beside a window and hands out three menus, before scurrying off to another table.

“Guys, this place is the best, I swear you’ll love the barbeque!” Hoseok rambles on about the best dishes as I examine the menu, choosing a simple and cheap meat plate.

He pouts as he sees my selection. “You can get something more expensive y’know.”

I wave him off and turn my attention to Jungkook, who furiously taps away at his phone.

“Do you ever get off your phone?”

“Can’t”. The brunette doesn’t look up. “Too busy writing a Yelp review on this place.”

Hoseok chuckles and ruffles Jungkook’s hair. “You haven’t even tried the food yet, dummy.”

“Yeah, give it a chance, kid.” I roll my eyes.

He looks away from his phone for the first time and gives a cold glare. “I’m not a kid. I’m 21, a real adult.”

Hoseok and I lock eyes for a second before bursting out in laughter.

“Jungkook, you look like a 13 year old fuck boy who plays Fortnite.”

The evening continues and once we get our food, conversation flows naturally. Hoseok animatedly tells stories from his dance trainee days and multiple times, he is told to quiet down by others. Even Jungkook opens up after a while and rants about different games he’s obsessed with. I learn too many things about the boys and feel myself warming up to their excitement and wild stories. Humans are more interesting than I initially thought.

“Yeah, I have all these games on my Switch, but there’s more back at the apartment.” Jungkook points a chicken bone at me while ranting.

I laugh lightly. “Is this why you never get out?”

“He would if he had a boyfriend!”

“Shut up, Hoseok!” The boy awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. “hey, wanna come to the apartment and play a few rounds?”

I had time to kill, demons surprisingly have a lot of free time despite the constant battle to steal human souls. And it beats a certain horny demon waiting for me back in hell. “Sure, Jungkook.”

After Hoseok paid the bill, we step out into the cool night and stroll down the sidewalk towards the apartment. The walk was several blocks, which was perfect for my lazy ass. We arrive at a tall, grey apartment complex and rode the elevator to the fourth floor.

“Welcome to mi casa,” Jungkook swung the door open to a dark room. Upon flicking the lights on, I took note of the worn sofa in front of a large television set. Numerous games litter the coffee table and floor.

Hoseok heads towards the kitchen and I awkwardly follow him, not knowing what to do exactly. It’s not often I get invited to a friend’s home, I’m usually invited to whatever orgy is happening in the castle back in hell.

“Didn’t you just eat?” I watch as the orange haired male hunts through the fridge, pulling out two beers and a banana milk box.

He just smiles and tosses a beer my way. I catch it, thanking him. We silently drink together for a moment. I’ve only known this man for 24 hours, but I somehow feel like I’ve known him my entire life.

After one more swig, Hoseok looks into my eyes and shuffles closer. I feel his hand brush my own as a voice calls out, “I got Mario Kart set up!”

We look at each other and chuckle before following Jungkook’s pre-game disses to the living room.

“Ya’ll micro-dick virgins are gonna lose so bad.”

Hoseok throws his head back in laughter as I roll my eyes. “You’re definitely the only virgin here, kid.”

“I’m not! I’m an adult, a non-virgin adult.”

“You use Tik Tok, which answers that question,” Hoseok chimes in, barely containing giggles.

Clearly annoyed, Jungkook passes controllers to the older males."Let’s see who the real virgins are."

We set up our characters and karts, and with the help of Hoseok, I get the hang of the buttons and movements. The first race was hard, I died so many times by the bouncing mushrooms. But after a few rounds, I was challenging the orange head on the track, almost beating him. Like the real gamer Jungkook is, he won every time.

“Ha! And that’s why virgins rule.”

I laugh loudly, smacking the kid’s head. “So you admit it?”

“Wait…” Jungkook realises his mistake as we toss down our controllers. ”Shut up!”

“How about a movie?” Hoseok suggests, and I sense mischief in his voice.

The brunette grabs the remote and flips through movies on Netflix. He stops at a random horror, pressing play. I scoot back and get comfortable in the cushions.

Hoseok leans against my shoulder, pulling a blanket over our bodies. My breath hitches in my throat as his muscular body curls around my own. I can barely pay attention to the introduction of the movie. Instead, every movement and warm breath against my neck sends a tingle up my spine.

After a while, I get used to the warmth and comfort Hoseok brings, and submerge myself into the movie.

I quickly notice the movie is awfully made. The props and blood look fake and the jumpscares are predictable. For a demon, murdering seven people seems like a good day. Yet Hoseok, on the other hand, wasn’t handling the scary scenes quite as well. At any sight of the murderer, he would hide his eyes under the blanket, gripping my shirt tightly. Subconsciously, I caress his hair gently, calming him down.

This reminds me of the nights I spent with Jimin when he was scared.

Ignoring the unpleasant thoughts, I check on Jungkook to see how he’s handling the movie. Unsurprising, he’s smiling and enjoying the bloody murders. That kid is messed up.

“Guys, I am so bored.” Said boy stands up unexpectedly. “I’m gonna get a pizza, y'all want anything?”

I shake my head no, and Hoseok declines as well. I wave Jungkook off as he leaves the apartment, who winks at me before closing the door. Stupid kid.

Turning back to the boy in my arms, I sigh and turn the movie off. “You should've said you didn’t like horror movies.”

We sit in the dark for a moment before locking eyes again. I find myself glancing at his lips and leaning forward. Hoseok smirks before taking hold of my jaw and smashing his lips against mine.

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