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To peek your interest even more, check out these Wattpad extras!

-Delve into Brianna's second session with the lovely Dr. Peterson in "Pursing A Passon"

-Brianna once agian stands off against Terra once again but, this time, it's for the attention and adulation of Maury at the Drama Club Tryouts in "The Tryouts".

-Brianna attempts to talk Maury out of dropping out of school in "The Purpose Of School"

-We finally get a formal introduction to the  family life of the Henderson's in  "Family Dinner"

-Brianna and her 15-year old sister Cynthia hash it out over Cynthia percieving Brianna to be acting stuck up

-Brianna does business with Amahd The Rapper in "Amahd The Rapper". Is it worth it though?

-A special interview with author Randall Barnes over the concept of "Riverview High: Circumstances" and his plans for the story in "Interview With Randall Barnes"

Riverview High: CircumstancesWhere stories live. Discover now