"Consider yourself at home. Consider yourself part of the family. We've taken to you so strong. It's clear we're going to get along." - Consider Yourself, Oliver!
"Little bird, wake up!"
A soft voice jolted her awake. Sleepily, she buried her head in her pillow.
"Wake up, Greenie!" The boy gently touched her shoulder, and Elizabeth immediately shrank back.
"Stop it," she grumbled, half-conscious.
"Don't make me do this," the boy said warningly.
"I don't care."
Wait, do what?
Too late. The figure's hands were suddenly on her ribcage, tickling. Gasps of laughter came from both of them, Elizabeth's uneven and coming out in short screams. She lost control of her body as she shrieked, twitching and squirming. Her hands helplessly slapped at the boy in an desperate attempt to stop the tickling.
After for what seemed like hours of torture, it finally ceased and Elizabeth, now fully awake, was able to glare at her attacker.
"Newt," she yelled, "you- you shank!"
He was doubled over, laughing. His nose was scrunched up in a way that made Elizabeth find very hard to stay mad at him. Soon enough, she was laughing too, giggling uncontrollably, leaning on him for balance. Despite her blocked memories, she knew she hadn't laughed like this for a long time.
"Not the time to get down and dirty, shanks!" Alby's voice drifted from neighbouring room.
Newt immediately stopped, his eyes wide. Elizabeth felt a blush creeping at the back of her neck. She was sure her cheeks were glowing.
He cleared his throat. "Right. Breakfast." She nodded, still embarrassed by Alby's remark.
After carefully locking the door, they made their way to the kitchen. Most of the Gladers were already done with breakfast, and were milling around the common area.
Elizabeth could feel the eyes on her as she walked in and shuddered. She hated being in the spotlight.
"Frypan!" called Newt, "breakfast for the Greenie!"
"Coming right up," a deep voice replied from the kitchen.
A couple minutes of waiting, and a tall, bearded boy emerged, holding two plates of food.
He handed Newt and Elizabeth their plates, wiped his hand on his apron and reached it out to shake her hand.
"Call me Frypan, everyone does." Elizabeth, balancing the plate on one hand, shook his hand with the other.
"Elizabeth," she replied.
"Yeah, I know," he said nonchalantly. It was as if everybody in the Glade already knew her name.
"Let's go," Newt cocked his head towards a table under the shade of a tree. They walked towards it, making light conversation along the way.
"What am I doing today?" Elizabeth asked him, eager to start working.
"You're getting the tour," he replied, "yeah, I know, 'bloody finally'!" He imitated her voice, making it high-pitched and squeaky.
"I don't sound like that!"
They arrived at the table. Once sitting, Elizabeth was able to tuck into her much-needed breakfast.
"Hungry, Greenie?" Newt remarked with an amused expression.

Liar [Maze Runner Fanfiction]
FanfictionSubject A0, Elizabeth - The Liar Elizabeth has no idea who she is, what she is, and why she suddenly appeared in the Glade in a metal box. With no recollection of her past, she find herself in the middle of forty teenage boys, a shifting Maze and a...