2. This is the end of your story

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They all smiled when you said that.

"Welcome to wonderland, my little Alice." The guy with the green stripes in his hair said.

One of the guys in the back seat with dark brown hair got out and opened the door for you. The smell of alcohol embraced your nose and crept inside as you walked past him.

The whole car smelled the same but it was even mixed with the smell of sweat.

You sat down next to the boy with orange hair and noticed that he was wearing a very striking thick blue leather jacket with cute buttons on it.

"Sorry fort he smell." The guy in front of you behind the wheel apologised.

"It's okay, I'm used to it." You smiled a little bit.

Some light in the car appeared and you could see the boys a bit better.

"So what's your name girl?" The boy with orange hair left from you asked as the other guy with dark brown hair on your right sat next to you and closed the door.

"Y/N, and yours?" You answered.

"Jimin." The boy replied with a bright cute smile and scanned your body. "Where have you been Y/N?" He spoke your name with an extra cute accent.

You had never heard the accent before. He seems quite familiar to you, but you don't know where you know him from. Where would he come from?

"Just a party." You answered shy.

"WE ALSO WENT TO A PARTY TODAY!" The guy with the green stripes in front of you yelled enthusiastic.

The boy behind the wheel started the car again and started to drive away from the bus stop.

Now you couldn't get out.

The door was closed, you were sitting between two strange boys and the driver was driving further away from your home town.

But you were happy that the driver wasn't drunk like all the other guys in the car, at least it looked like he wasn't.

"That's so cool, how was it?" You asked while you felt the eyes of the orange haired boy named Jimin on your body.

You felt uncomfortable by his strong gaze but that only got even worse when you felt something warm on your body.

You turned your head surprised to the left and saw that he had put his thick blue jacket around your shoulders. The tingling sensation in your body disappeared again.

His arms were bare and he was wearing a white simple shirt. "The rain has ruined your dress a bit." Jimin said and smiled shyly at you while a blush appeared on his cheeks.

Then you looked down at your dress and you noticed that even your white panties and your white bra shone through the white thin material.

But you shrugged your shoulders as if it didn't bother you. "It's okay, it was ruined anyway."

Then you looked at the driver. "And what's your name?" The eyes of the boy in front of you looked at you in the mirror above him.

A small smirk played on his thick lips. "Jin."

Jin was wearing a sort of army jacket and his hands held the wheel firmly.

"My name is V!" The guy next to him yelled and he gave you his cute boxy smile.

"That's not your name you stupidio!" The boy next to you with dark hair hit him on his shoulder while laughing. "His name is Taehyung and I am Hoseok." The boy answered without you asking for their names.

"Nice to meet you all." You said smiling and you pulled the blue jacket even more around your bare shoulders.

"So what were you doing alone at that bus stop at this late hour?" Jimin asked and you looked at him.

He leaned his arm against the window and ran his hand through his orange hair. His dark eyes looked at you with interest and a little bit of joy was visible inside of them.

You looked in front of you again, towards the road that was getting darker and darker.

Fortunately, the other cars around you shined on the road with their headlights.

Of course the car you were in also had its lights on.

"I just wanted to be outside for a moment." You answered.

You were not ready to tell your whole story to a couple of strangers.

You put on Jimin's blue leather jacket instead of let it just resting on your shoulders. Your arms felt more warm when they were inside of the soft fabric of the leather jacket.

Jimin chuckled. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but don't lie to us." You eyed the smiling boy for a second and then turned your head to Taehyung in front of you.

"But what are you guys doing so late? I assume the party has already ended a while ago." You changed the subject quickly.

"We just wanted to pick up our friends until Jimin hyung said he recognized you." Taehyung explained with his eyes focused on the small light above you when he had turned around his head.

You immediately turned your head to Jimin. "Where do you recognize me from?" You asked him.

Could he maybe be a friend of Jiyong... would they maybe bring you back to him while you don't even know it!?

The orange-haired boy fiddled his forehead nervously. "I only said that so Jin hyung would park in front of you." He explained. "I don't know you."

Yet you started to recognize him more and more. "Are you maybe a friend of-"

"JIN HYUNG LOOK OUT!" Hoseok suddenly yelled in panic and grabbed the chair in front of him.

You looked shocked in front of you and your eyes grew when you saw a car driving straight at you at full speed.

The bright headlights shone in your face.J

in tried to steer past the fast car but the car hit the left side of the car, causing it to be hit enormously.

The orange-haired boy next to you grabbed your arm and pulled you towards him to protect you as you watched the car touch its side of the car.

The boy fell forward against you and you heard his voice scream. You felt how the car turned around in the air and everything went in slow motion.

Jin in front of you had his head against the wheel and blood was dripping from his head.

The boy next to him screamed and hid his face in his hands as he made a ball of his body.

Jimin next to you had his eyes closed while he was holding you tight, his fingers were holding the blue jacket while you were hiding behind his body.

You couldn't see Hoseok next to you, but you felt how he also held you.

The moment went so fast that even when the car stopped, you still felt as if the car was still turning.

You felt a body next to you and one on top of you. Warm blood dripped all over your body but it took too long for someone to come and help.

You closed your eyes from the pain that had to come every moment.

This is the end of your story.

A/N: Update: IN A FEW HOURS!

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