Hazy: What He Was And What Became Him

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Hazy: What He Was And What Became Him

// T H E N //

He loved the sun. He didn’t mind the distance, knowing his place. The sun was bright and radiant towards him – so he craved to be closer… Closer, closer; just a bit more than he’s used to. The heat was bearable, he thought. The warmth became his haven – his comfort of some sort. Moving closer, step by step, he burned. He didn’t expect he would eventually burn out. But he did.

// N O W //

There was one thing to numb the pain that became unbearable. The sun was gone; and everyday – it was cold. He liked the cold, another thing he learned the hard way. And by then, he recklessly molded himself like a season. The pain was still there though, for he needed to drive away from what he wanted. The pain will always be there, he knew. Days, months, years passed… He built himself up to become untouchable. And so he was. He is a blizzard. His green eyes that once sparked life—became poisonous emeralds that lure.

The blizzard will wreck everyone who comes in his way – some kind of homage to his icy, winter heart. Everyone. Even the sun who dried up—most especially the sun who burned him and made him cold afterwards.

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