chapter 10 Him

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Tarzan pov

I got up early in the mourning to leave but my sister put her hand on my shoulder.
"Tarzan I know your going to see those humans but be safe"she said smiling
I nodded and said "I will but please don't tell no one. "then I left to find them.
A lot was on my mind about him.I didn't see his face so I was curious on what he looked like and could we be friends.

I climbed another tree and seen black smoke so I followed.
I seen 2 humans once was wearing a cooking and the other was reading but I didn't see the other so I looked around.

I spotted him he look just like me but his hair was short and black and his skin was darke it brings out his eyes. he was looking at flowers then he followed a monkey and I followed him.
"what is he doing has he ever seen a monkey before "I thought.
The monkey was eating and he tried the grab his berry.dont he know not to take a monkey food I said in my head.

The monkey yelled.The human laugh a little then he realized he was surrounded by monkeys of Baboons. He ran but git caught and they carried him away.
So I climbed a tree and was swinging fast to catch up I jumped on a branch and ran.i jumped on tree branch then when I got closer I grab the human and put him on my back.

I jumped from vines to vines being followed by angry monkeys.
I was about to crash into a tree so I easily tosses him up he was yelling "Aaaahh catch meee "so I looked up and caught him.we both slide down a branch and we left the monkeys.

I laughed alittle and walked on all fours to get close to him.

"umm thanks stranger I'm Jonah umm where am I and "he stop his sentence because I smelled his scent he smelled like apple with flowers.
"Jon..a "I mumbled trying to speak his name.
"Tarzan"i said touching his hair it was soft the other side was cute
"Tarzan? "he said looking into my eyes I smiled and said my name again
I touch his face I thought he would move but instead he didn't.
His face was soft he had pretty eyes and his teeth was shiny white.i looked at his body but he had something covering it up.i gave him a curious glance he noticed and said "these are cloths you wear them ty o cover your body"he said pointing at his cloths.
"cloths" I said
"How long have you been here Tarzan "he said I looked at him and said "I live here I have never seen a human before so can I show you around"
He nodded and got on all four and told him to climb up the tree. He tried but failed so I told him to get on my back.

I was swinging from vine to vine going to my secret pond.
"why do you walk on all four"Jonah said hanging on tight
"my mom and dad thought me I'm part gorilla but different. "
He seemed confused then asks "you live with gorillas can you show me "
I shocked my head no "I'm not suppose to be near you I'm breaking the rules"i said as I dropped down.
He was smiling and looked at the fish I dived down and water splashed him.

He laughed and took off his cloths and went in.
I swam to him he was wet and water was coming down his body.I put my hand on his chest and let my hand roam around.he flinch when I made contact but didn't move.soon I smelled him again and touched his stomach.i was going down towards his midsession but he swam away and put his cloth on.I followed and said "are you leaveing Jon a"i said he nodded and left. He disappeared into the bushes and I was about to climb a tree when I heard my name and when I look it was Jonah.

"I'm loss can you take me back"he said it doesn't looking down I touched his face and nodded and picked him up bridal style and walked.

I could have gotten there fast but for some reason I had interest in him.he fell asleep in my arms and his face was beautiful and when I seen the others I worked him up.
I put him down and he hugged me and u did the same and I left to go home.

When I made it home u was excited to tell my sister but when I got there my dad was fighter a tiger. Every ape was cheering on there king I spotted my mom and climbed to her.

She noticed me and hugged me.
"what is going on "I said not look away from the fight.
"that tiger name is Sher'Kan he wanted to kill you but your dad is protecting you. "she said.

I jumped down and talked to beast. He hit a tree hard and growled.
"those eyes I remember I killed your mom and dad and now I'm going to kill you"he said running toward me. I didn't have to to dodge so I embraced myself and landed a punch on his face he fell down and grab a branch and beat him senseless and he died.

I ran towards my dad he had scratches everywhere but he will live. My mom and sister cane and hugged me tight.

"that tiger said he killed my parents is it true"i said looking at my mom
"I don't know Tarzan"

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