12 Meet Tarzan

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Jonah pov

The next day

"guys there a person living here and he save my life" I said look at Michael and Gordan.

"yeah right where he at then "Gordan said picking a bone out of his mouth.
"it's impossible for someone to live here alone"micheal said eating his fish I sigh.
"his name is Tarzan"i said rolling my eyes.

"bring him here then "Gordan said smirking Michael just nodded.
"OK I'll try. "I said walking off.

I'm walking off to find Tarzan but I don't know where he live so I went to the pond where he took me.
While I waited I took off my cloths and went swimming.

I waited for Tarzan to show but he didnt so I decided to leave. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Tarzan smiling.

"Hi again I waited here to see you again."I said making eye contact.
"I was at home "Tarzan said moving his hand off my shoulder.

"can you take me there"i said hoping he says yea
"no my dad don't like humans "Tarzan said I nodded.
"follow me I want you to meet my friends "I said and he nodded.
As we walking Tarzan he glancing at me and look back
"Tarzan have you been here since you was young"i said looking at him.
He nodded "my mom found me in the bushes "he said looking at me.
"can you teach me how to climb trees like you do"i said and he nodded smiling.

As we made it back to camp I told Tarzan to wait.
I seen Michael looking at his book and Gordan putting his shoes.

"I have Tarzan here but go easy on him "I said they both turned there attention towards me. I went and grab Tarzan hand not realizing I did.
Tarzan looked around a little.
"Tarzan that old man over there is Michael and that man over there is Gordan guys This is Tarzan "I said.

They looked at him crazy then looked at our hands and I notice and let go.Tarzan greeted the old man first.
"OK this is awesome and you say he live here alone "Michael said shaking Tarzan hands but Tarzan smelled him and Micheal laughed.
"he live with Gorillas and he speaks there language "I said looking at Tarzan.
He then move to Gordan who is still shock.

"can you show us the Gorillas "Gordan said but Tarzan sniff his scent as well but Gordan push him off
"no" Tarzan said then walked around.

"why not boy"Gordan said but Tarzan ignored him.

Tarzan then walked into a tent and how found a projector.
"what is that Jonah"he said "a projector it allows you to see a movie"
"what is a movie"Tarzan said and I chuckled.
"I'll show you sit down "I said he sat down. I plug it in and sat down.

The scene showed a couple holding hands while walking.They lyed down on a blanket and seen stars shining.Soon they kissed.

Tarzan walk up sat next to me.
"why are there lips touching "he said
"it's a couple thing it is called kissing it shows you that you love and will and protect your partner"i said looking at the screen.

"have you kissed someone "he said and I looked at him and shook my head no.

Michael came and he asked Tarzan many questions
"have you live here all your life blah blah blah"i could tell Tarzab felt uncomfortable so I grab him and we walked into the forest.

"I'm going to teach you how to climb "he said and I nodded.we walking towards the nearest tree
He climb it and I looked and copy he did. I almost made it to the top but lost my grip and I fell. Tarzan noticed and quickly grab my hand and yanked me up.
Wow he save me again damn he strong I said in my head.

"you ok"he said and I nodded. He smiled and dropped down.
"come I'll catch you"he said and I jumped.I landed on top of him and my head is on his chest. I can heae his heartbeat and I looked up. His green eyed looking into my brown.

I quickly got up and apologized he chuckled.
And I did too. Soon a baby monkey came towards Tarzan.Tarzan noticed and him and the monkey was communicating.I was curious looking.

"you 'speak monkey "I said looking at him he nodded.

"wait here I want you to meet my sister "Tarzan said and I nodded.He left climbing a tree and swinging.
This is so exciting I said in my head.

Tarzan pov

Im swinging from vibe to vine and I heard laughing.i spotted my sister and also seen red. "hey Sister and red"i said dropping down.
"hi Tarzan "red said and Kurch hugged me.
"I seen and met the humans there is 3 if them. I want you to meet my favorite person his name is Jonah he is nice."I said and they both looked at each other then me. "are you crazy "they both said.
I nodded "its only one"i said but my sister nodded but red stayed.

We left and I spotted Jonah playing with a fox. "there"i said and we both jumped down.

The fox seen us and went and hid next to Jonah.He noticed "welcome back is this your sister "he said and i nodded.
Jonah tried speaking gorilla but failed my sister gave me a weird look.

"Jonah she don't understand you "I said he looked sad and I put my hand around him "she said hi your funny"i lied.He smiled but she left.

I notice it was getting dark so I told Him I have to go. He looked sad and I did too. So I hugged him "meet me at the pond again bye "I said and left.

When I got home my stopped me. "where have you been all day you better not have talked to those humans "he said angry and I shook my head. I climb my tree and went to sleep.

Jonah pov

I went back to my camp smiling.

"I seen a gorilla guys"i said they both gave me a shock expression
"cool was they big oh a male or female "Michael said.
"where did that man show you cab he show us "Gordan said but I ignored and went to sleep

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