Waterfall City.

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The sky began to darken and a rainstorm is approaching they're area. The Brachiosaur began to slow down and then Brachio came to a stop. She's stopped because of the weather. Brach sensed that something is off. Brach turns her head left towards the dark forest. Brach? What's wrong sweetie? asked Jendolyn. You sense something? asked Mary. Brach nodded. Something is off here said Gwen. Yes, your right. I sense it too said Jen. So do I. Lets go said Mary. Mary, Jen and Gwen climbed down and enter the dark forest. They came across some damaged trees. Tyranno tracks. They're heading to the village said Mary. They head towards the village. It's too dark out here said Mary. I turn the switch. My Omnitrix dial is glowing green. We smile. We have you covered Mary. I create a blue glowing ball of mana energy in my hands. Jen does too. How are able to do that? asked Steven the bus driver. I smile. We have human parents. But me and Gwen are not intiretly human. We're half alien. We got our powers from our alien grandmothor said Jendolyn. I turn the dial and I push it down. Jen didn't slam it down. I turn into an alien. There's no sound and there's no green or red flash of light. Jen started to transform and Jen changed in three seconds. Jen is now Catscratch. She didn't say her name after transforming. Catscratch has two breasts and is wearing a beautiful blue and white low cut suit and shorts. There is a small green dial on her shoulder. Wow! said Mary and Steven. Mary smiles. Aw! Aren't you a beautiful kittie? I blush red and smile. Yeah, thanks. Your welcome. They enter the village. What happened here? asked Steven. The village is damaged and a mess. They were attacked by Tyrannosaurs! said Jendolyn. I turn back to base. The machines must be damaged said Steven. The machine is damaged and the wind meal is broken. A Sun Stone crystal is laying on the ground broken and dead. Gwen picked up the large crystal. Nice crystal. They're called Sun Stones said Mary. Our technology is powered by many things and these stones are one of them said Mary. They help to power the villages said the Steven. We're entering the building. They enter the dinning room. Wow, nice place here said Jen. Yeah. Jen and Gwen climbed into bed and cuddle. I kiss Jen. I wake up and sense something outside the building. It's nearby. Jen woke up too. Something is off. Yeah. Mary wake up. What is it? Something is off and don't feel right. Ah! The foot smashed through the roof. Bash! Ah! Tyranno! Run! yelled Jwen and Mary. They run out of the building and see two Tyrannosaurs standing there. The two Tyrannosaurs were green and brown in color and have feathers of blue and white. Wow! The three hide behind a building. The dino finds them. They have a great sense of smell and likely sensed they're body heat. I fire some mama blasts at the dino. I fire some energy at the second dino. Ah! yelled the Dinosaurs. The dinos don't like it. Some of the energy bounced off they're skin. They keep coming towards us. Roar! Ah! That's when a group of Terrasaurs appear in the air and attacked the two Tyrannosaurs. Wow! Who are they? asked Jendolyn. They're called Skybacks. They're here to help us. The two Tyrannosaurs leave the village. Two Terrasaurs land on the ground in front of us. The three ladies smile. A handsome man wearing a beautiful suit came off his bird and walked up towards them. He came to a stop put and his right arm to his chest. Mary saluted back. Seek peace. Fly high. Gwen and Jen smile. Greetings your majesty. You too. What happened here and where are all the people? This village was attacked by two Tyrannosaurs. We brought the survivers to Waterfall City. There was also a mother Trysarotops here that was giving birth to two baby cubs. We brought them to an animal shelter. Mary smiles. Sam, I'd like you to meet our two new arrivals. Hello there. Guys, this is General Sam. He's the leader of the Skybacks. Nice to meet you general said Jendolyn. You too. I'm Jen Ben Tennyson and I'm Gwen her girlfriend. Wow! What a beautiful Terrasaur! said Jendolyn. He smiled and looks back at his Terrasaur. Yeah. She is indeed. But I would be careful. They're not tamed birds. Well, I must be going now. I will be seeing you all in Waterfall City tomorrow. See you general said Mary. You too. He saluted again and so did we. Sam put back on his black helmet and he climbed back onto his Terrasaur. He and his team took off the ground and flew into the air. The three of us are walking back to the Brachiosaurs. Mary, Jen and Gwen climbed up and sat in they're saits. The rain is pouring down again. The storm passed by and the sky returned to daylight. The two Brachiosaurs are approaching the city. They came to a stop. Here we are. Welcome to Waterfall City! Oh wow!! This is amazing! It's beautiful! I've never seen anything like it! said Jen and Gwen. I take a picture of the city. The city is near two waterfalls. There's one on the left and one on the right. The city is made up of different sets of buildings. Some buildings are ancient and Roman like. Some are modern eighteen hundreds and some are 20th century. There's a city park, a pool, a library, a court house, two large pyramids, one church, a tower, a movie theater and one airport with a landing strip. There's also a few waterfalls and a wall going around the city.

 There's also a few waterfalls and a wall going around the city

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